[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
ATHEON CP ON HARD Need 5 more Looking to do it 3 times, I have checkpoints on 3 characters MESSAGE Xfallenangls9X FOR INVITE
vog normal 29+ gorgons checkpoint msg gt same as above or max gally
Hosting gatekeeper checkpoint on hard, vault of glass, looking for people with experience and mics. I'm a 32 hunter with maxed gally black hammer, and word of crota. messege telumberg420 for invite
Xbox 360 Titan level 27 Gamertag: jetsetjen Have mic Have fully upgraded ghorn Looking to do vog normal any checkpoint Invite me
vog normal atheon checkpoint need 4 31+ expirienced only no little kids
Edited by AgentSam7: 5/10/2015 3:17:36 PMLooking to do any raid hard or normal Gt same as above
Atheon hard cp msg me for inv
Anyone doing VoG normal? I'm a lvl 28 defender Titan
Crotas end hard 32+ msg for invite gt same as above need Gjally or hunger also need swordbearer
Need 4 for vog normal at gatekeeper cp msg me for inv
Gatekeeper hard cp message Pure BRG
Lvl 32 warlock looking for maze chest and or Atheon hard lots of experience meesage gt above with invite thnx
Edited by Armon12354aa: 5/10/2015 2:48:34 PMNeed 2 31+ for VOG hard fresh GT is above^
Fresh Hard VoG. Kinect mic though, but I'm a 32. Need five. Experience please. GT as above.
Doing Crota CP Hard. Need 2 more people with ghorn. We have swordbearer. Message EtherealPaladin for Invite.
Doing Templar Hard. Need 3 more people. Message EtherealPaladin for Invite.
1 for nf at boss
Looking for Templar cp hard, Msg GT above. Currently have 3.
Need two and swordbearer for crota hard checkpoint. Must be 31 with maxed hunger or gally. Gt as above message for invite
I have gate keeper hard xbox360
fresh vog hard need experience 31+ message my GT as above
Doing Templar Hard. Need 3 more people. Message EtherealPaladin for Invite.
Hard Crota cp need 4 more and sword bearer gt Calv1n17
still need tree more for VOG normal then hard
32 warlock all maxed weps. Starting up fresh crota HARD team. Need a full team of 31+'s with either gally, hunger or truth, must have mic and have experience. Msg exiiza for inv.
Need 3 for VoG normal fresh.