[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
VOG normal gorgon cp. level 34 warlock.
Fresh Vog hard msg for invite
My friend is hosting [b]Gorgon Checkpoint[/b] for one hour, on 360. Msg him at [b]ZJC43[/b]. He will have the checkpont on Normal and hard, so you can grab the chest 6 times. He will be getting lots of messages, so just keep spamming him, he will eventually invite you. CURRENTLY, PEOPLE HAVE FOUND: 3x Patience and Time 2x Gjallarhorn 1x Suros Regime 2x Last Word 1x Plan C 4x Thunderlord 3x Ice Breaker 2x Truth ...and hopefully more to come!
Doing hard vog fresh must be 31+ msg gt above for inv
Lf 3 34 guardians for vog hard. Msg above gt
Nightfall run w/ 34 Hunter. Need two.
Doing nightfall need 2 34 Looking to do it fast Msg GT same as above for invite
need 1 for gatekeeper hard 30+ MSG GamedCobra for a invite
Need people for hard VoG. Templar cp. Msg H3RO ACE
Hard oracales need 4 msg in game for invite
Fresh hard Vog. Msg keiphers66
Need two players for 35 PoE. You must be experienced. You must have a mic. Warlocks, and titans preferred. Gt above.
35 poe. Need 1 34 titan with defender class upgraded. Must have gjallahorn and not be a squeaker.
Need 2 nightfall
Fresh hard Vog. Msg keiphers66
Doing too need 2 34+ only need mic message unimpresedZebra for invite
2more ppl needed for VoG level 26 message domo2times for invites
Need 1 for 32 POE on boss message DarthMal93 first come first serve
Need one experienced warlock for trials
Looking to do normal VoG fresh. Msg PrincessPeachzz
Need 3 for fresh vog hard msg gt above for invite
Vog hard fresh gt same
Starting Poe 35 gt is oXEarthxAngelXo
Hard VOG need 2
Vog hard atheon cp
Edited by Jacob 527: 8/18/2015 1:42:29 AMLooking for 4 people to do fresh hard vog will start in 20 min