[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
Need level 32 sword crota normal message me
Starting a vog on normal. 27+ message gt above.
I need someone with VOG hard atheon checkpoint need 5 people
Looking to do vog hard gt ohh reaper
Need 3 32s for hard crota
Looking for 1 for VOG hard at confluxes
Vog hard fresh need 4 at least lvl 30 an up. Must know what your doing. Message me gt same as name
Need 4 for the atheon cp on hard must be 31+ with oracle disrupting weapons GT same as above
Edited by Alpz Astro: 4/4/2015 10:27:00 PMWe have 3 lvl 32 at Atheons cp. gt same as above. Hard
Needs 1 more for VOG hard oracle check point
Looking for anybody with a Templar hard checkpoint
Msg me 4 inv to hard temp need 2
Normal vog need players message for inv gt same as username
Need 5 for fresh hard VOG Gt- kingjal21
need 5 for vog gatekeeper checkpoint on normal msg mgohary
Need 3 lvl 31+ for hard Atheon cp YOU MUST KNOW WHAT UR DOING IF U DONT ITS A KICK msg for inv
Need 1 lvl 31+ for hard Atheon
need 5 for Hard conflux checkpoint 31+
Need 1 for Atheon hard cp msg for inv
Vog hard atheon cp 30+ must be expirienced message gt above for inv
Need 1 for oracles cp on hard msg for inv must be lvl 31+
Doing Vog on Hard, fresh run. I have three lvl 32 characters so I will be running Hard Vog a total 3x on Hard. Soo if you have more than 1 lvl 30 character or higher & need to do you this more than once send me an inv. I'm looking for 5 players with experience in this Raid, Mic. is a must. If you can't meet my forum requirements because I don't wanna be mean to anyone that doesn't qualify and kick them. Msg. me for inv. Gt is the same.
x1337x Clan RECRUITING - Xbox 360 All levels welcome, 18+ preferred. We will be active with Raids, Nightfall, Strikes, Bounties, and some crucible. Anyone that wants to join a helpful clan and doesn't mind helping others, please feel free to post here,send me a message directly, or follow the link below. Thank you and hope to see you join! https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/About/864360
Need 5 for hard Atheon must be experienced and know what ur doing and be lvl 30+ msg for inv
Need 3 for hard gatekeeper cp
VOG hard mode fresh run. Need 4 GT: SOULESSGINGER5