This use to be a prediction for 3/27/15 but now it's for 4/3/15, just comment down below what you think he'll sell
1. Crest/Armamentarium
2. Crest of alpha lupi/Lucky Raspberry
3. Starfire/viodfang
4. Truth
5. No heavy
6. Chest engram[/quote]
1. Tears of Guardians who didn't get what they wanted - 13-23 strange coins
2. Tears of melted special snowflakes - 17-23 strange coins
3. Tears of those who can't afford what they want - 13-23 strange coins
4. Tears of those with nothing left to buy - priceless
5. Engram of Tears - 13 motes
6. Lifeboat to protect you from the flood of tears - 25001 glimmer
That's a good one :)
9 mins