originally posted in:Eurogamer
[b]Welcome to Raid sign-ups for the coming week.[/b]
[i]Here is your weekly opportunity to fight alongside your fellow Guardians and take down an agent(s) of Darkness/discuss how under a UKIP government, Dale Winton wouldn't get the treatment he needed if he was a foreigner.[/i]
[u]Usual rules apply:[/u]
Raids start at 19:30 unless otherwise agreed in the group.
Typically these will be a triple run (CE normal, VoG and CE hard) time and interest permitting.
If you have signed up and need to subsequently cancel, you are responsible for finding a sub'.
[u]CE Hard mode requires:[/u]
You know this by now right?
[u]Please state your:[/u]
[b]PSN name
Available day(s)
Negative edge Experience[/b]
As per most weeks, CE will be Hard.
I will personally be running a Crota's End triple normal run on Wednesday. This is both due to a number of requests where people still need the weapon drops, but also to give those of you who either need the experience or want a chance to up skill your sword bearing talents.
[u]So when signing up please specifically state:[/u]
[i]'Wednesday Normal Triple'[/i] if that's of interest to you.
Otherwise it'll be the usual Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday Raids.
[i]Obviously with the anticipation for MKX at an all time high, people can't comprehend even playing anything else. So sign-ups this week have been understandably low. Therefore as it stands, these Groups are now a lock.[/i]
[b]Group: TrNC 8[/b]
[b]Group: Hard 8[/b]
Typhoon M
[b]Group: 9IN[/b]
Typhoon M
[b]Group: 12M[/b]
All updated, so stay safe and keep those edge's negative.
I shall be taking snipers place tonight chaps
So if there are too many signing up for triple Wednesday there is generally always a space or 2 free with our sub group. So if Bio (or should that read: All powerful mod before whom we prostrate and beg your recognition) manages to fill one group and there are any left desiring triple Wednesday let me or Bio know and we will happily welcome you on board!
Totally forgot to signup this week, too angry at that other game to think straight! I can sub Wed and Sunday, so shout me if needed. Ta.
I take it I'm too late this week to add myself down for Triple Raid Wednesday?
Holy triple raid batman! I'll join wednesday hard mode and sub elsewhere if needed.
Sunday for me please :-)
Can help out more this week now I'm back home. Just whenever but only hard modes that said. Not bothered about triple Wednesday unless you struggling.
Thursday & Sunday please, cheers bioTECH.
Triple Sunday... I'd like to think I could make Thursday but I'm not sure yet
Ah Mortal Combat. A series with such memorable quotes like "Get over there!", "Finish that Person!" And "Toaster! I'd like the usual if possible please. As many raids as possible. I'm sure you'll look kindly to me with my MCX knowledge.
Triple Wednesday sounds cool, if there's space and then put me down for the normal Sunday run please. Must order MKX this weekend!!
Wednesday normal triple for me please! Loads of experience and an around awsome guy! Will be only using my new no land beyond as i love it!
I can do all 3 nights, Hard Mode only please. All my Characters have Health regen from orb, helms and Suros/Red Death too.
Put me on the list for the normal triple wednesday, also 1 hard raid on either thursday or sunday, thanks. level 32 all classes around 4 hard completions.
The usual normal and hard funtime experience on wednesday and thursday
Wednesday normal triple please bio. Wouldn't mind having a bash at being sword bearer on one of the runs. Never done it before. Lots of normal completions. 32 Titan, 32 Hunter, 31 Warlock.
Triple normal Wednesday please.