Sometimes I get "Kills as Hunter" progress even though I'm on my titan. Or one day I'll have "Pulse Rifle Kills Progress 3, Next day it's like it reset and it's "Pulse Rifle Kills lvl 2" It doesn't bother me just thought I'd let you know.
Fireteam member's kills will count towards your grimoire. Not sure if that's a bug, but that's what happens.
I'm getting this error, when I'm just solo on Patrol, though it is alot less lately. I'm not sure if it's a networking error? I've noticed things like Crucible kills not counting towards a bounty, then 3 games later they show up. It's weird.
I really couldn't tell you buddy lol.
Same for me except I'm getting warlock kills as a hunter.
Revert back to prev. comment Lenny. Get it?