*I get out, and as I walk off, 10 men in cloaks start following me* *I look back, then look forward, and break into a sprint, the men in close pursuit*
*pedal to the metal* Dont worry!! I'll run over em!!
*I jump to the side as you come through* *one pulls out a gun and shoots at me*
Edited by JulieCakes: 4/4/2015 6:17:08 PM*runs over most of em, does a u - turn, charges at the rest of em*
*I fall down* *I get up and continue running, my bag now on my back* *more men show up, most holding suppressed pistols or carbines* Oh shit! *they open fire, a bullet hits my left shoulder* *I run into a bar, and hide behind the counter, my suppressed Five-Seven drawn* [quote]Barkeep: Aye, what do you want?[/quote]*the strange men enter* *I slide the barkeep 2 50's* [quote]Man: Where is he?[/quote][quote]Barkeep: *punches man* *barfight ensues*[/quote]
*turns into gargoyle, kicks their ass*
*I crawl back out during the cafuffle, where two more men see me* *I shoot them both, then crawl into the back of the taxi, shooting those who come close* Ok, not as planned... *winces* To the dojo medbay, I might need some medical attention. *checks bag* Ok, I'm good.
*drives you to dojo medbay*
*stumbles out, blood stains are on the seat* Oh... *falls* Sorry, I'll clean that up later *gets up* *slides 597 gold* I... I can give you more later... *stumbles again* I need help, I'll talk to you later... Thanks... *stumbles dizzily inside*
*steps out and helps you in* Uhmm.. hellooouu??? He needs help! *sits you on a chair, walks back to taxi, cleans seat*