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originally posted in:Immortalis Rising
Edited by GolferBest: 4/4/2015 1:26:46 PM

IMMO Update Returns 4/3

Good morning my fellow guardians. Hope all is well in the destiny world. I havnt donw one of these is quite some time and the feedback was very minimal. However with some fresh recruits and a few request ive decided to start back up the weekly updates. Otherwise known as golfer rabmling on an on... Lets get started. [b]Xur of old returns[/b] So if you havnt had a chance to run into our tentacle faced secret agent, hes over by the speaker in a well lit corner. While after seeing his inventory this week im sure you will want to push him off that ledge, just remember that for the last few weeks he's been ever so generous. While this guardian believes it Bungie trying to keep us entertained while we await HOW, he has been very well stocked lately. The Glasshouse (Titan DLC Helmet) – 13 Strange Coins Don’t Touch Me (Hunter DLC Gauntlets) – 13 Strange Coins Sunbreakers (Warlock Gauntlets) – 13 Strange Coins Dragon’s Breath (DLC Rocket Launcher) – 17 Strange Coins Exotic Shard – 7 Strange Coins Exotic Chest Engram – 23 Motes of Light While the dragons breath hasnt been very welcomed compared to its exotic counter part... its still effective in situations. So i recommend picking it up if you have extra coins. Those solar grenades do some damage as well as keep enemies at bay. [b]Interview with a pvp blueberry[/b] So in my quest to increase my ranking in the world of destiny pvp, i've had to go into matches blind. While this is a scary situation, i figured i would try to better understand these people we call blueberries.This segment will continue weekly in hopes to answer some of the question we ask ourselves while playing with them. Me : Good Morning BB BB : SUP? Me: So lets talk about our last match, as I'm puzzled by a few things. BB : WORD! Me : Lets talk about that 0.04 K/d. What happened there. Were the opponents that tough. BB : Not sure. I just run around and try to melee kids. Then i tee bag them to piss them off. Me: So you dont use your gun? Bb : I try sometimes but i havnt worked out being able to move and shoot at the same time. Me : gotcha. Me: Well considering your play style can you explain why after dying in the same place twice, you ran back there three more times? BB: Well i got 1 assist, and almost killed one of the four that were there. So, not much else i can do. Me: maybe take cover and shoot, throw a grenade, something besides give the other team kills. Bb: I just play for the bounties, and i did tell you about that moving and shooting issue. Plus every time i throw a grenade i almost kill myself, those things are tricky. Me: yeah.. umm... well hang in there buddy, we will talk more next week about load outs and why you carry the weapons you do.. Lesson of the week. The majority of the time you cant beat 4 kids 1v4. So if you run into somewhere and get killed. Running immediately back to the same locations isnt a smart move. [b]Guardian Of The Week[/b] This week i have to give a shout out to our canadian counterpart. Fero'something or This shouldnt be a name that is new to you. He's a very active officer, and jumps in more parties then that girl everyone called the bicycle back in high school. He's always willing to help, and if you can get passed how nice he is all the damn time he is not to bad. So if you havnt tried playing with him i would recommend it. You'll be a better player in the end. [b]Story Of The Week[/b] The other day. Wednesday to be exact. Leon Alaric and myself we playing a little salvage. I learned something new. You can jump over a warlock (who sucks) throwing a nova bomb and shotgun him in the face. I literally watched this happen in three matched. Even have video of it. Could you imagine thinging your about to cause a puple explosion and watch someone jump over your nova bomb and shove a shottir barrel down your nostril.. not once but three time..#priceless [b]Topic Of The Week[/b] So a quick question for you immo's out there. While many of us will play this game till its done, the rumors around the water cooler are that there is darkness clouding the travelers light. Many guardians are protesting that if HOW isnt near perfect that they are done with destiny. So what say you guardians? How great does HOW have to be for you to stay or are you in for the long haul no matter what? [b]Quote Of The Week[/b] Do, or do not. There is no "try". - Yoda (from The Empire Strikes Back)

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  • As a former WOW player of more years than some destiny players are old I enjoy killing things with groups of people and seeing my gear become irrelevant after each expansions and have to grind for gear all over again (sarcasm about the gear part). HoW couldnt be any worse than what we already have. Long as there is something more epic than a strike and somewhat difficult to kill that rewards me with interesting loot Ill still be playing.

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  • I feel comfortable saying that whatever they come up with in HoW will have some really cool things and some things we go meh to. Such is the way. Honestly it would have to be a remarkable level of fail for me to walk away from the game. Something along the lines of HoW raid = Patrol earth with a fire team and complete 6 bounties simultaneously or wipe. My biggest hope is that somehow all of our old gear doesn't become irrelevant and all of our fully leveled exotics don't become completely unleveled again. Frankly I don't mind the grind because as I argued when TDB released it's not a grind, it's time playing the game to feel the sense of reward and accomplishment of having all the best shit, fully maxed out. It's more the idea that I'll have to relevel the [u]SAME [/u]gun with the [u]SAME [/u]perks for the [u]THIRD [/u]time. If I had to fully relevel each exotic gun again but with the ability for some new perk then I'd be just fine with that. But -blam!- off if you want me to bother with releveling another No Land Beyond that's the same gun (or hardlight, or monte carlo, or plan c, or pocket infinity, or dragon's breath, etc). I don't know if it's in the works or if it's even feasible. But it would be nice if the next level stuff could be enhanced, augmented, or given an additional perk based on dismantling older gear to upgrade the newer gear. In other words, my max level HoW raid helmet can be further/differently upgraded by dismantling my TDB or VoG raid helmet to unlock another perk (orbs regen health), or an augmented skill (increase reload speed of special weapon during oversoul), or shit even just a picture of skull on the side of it. I'm thinking it acts the same way the crux acts on the Eidolon Ally. Same thing for releveling an Exotic. You get the new higher level exotic (or continue to buy it from Xur) and then your old exotic can be used to roll a different perk on the gun. That may be asking too much but it would be a way to keep old guns fresh, instead of just turning my level 331 exotic into a level 364 exotic. Great update Golfer! Keep'em coming!

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  • [quote]Many guardians are protesting that if HOW isnt near perfect that they are done with destiny. So what say you guardians? How great does HOW have to be for you to stay or are you in for the long haul no matter what?[/quote] I won't be leaving regardless of the quality of HoW, though I may end up doing different things. Nobody wants the next expansion to be bad, but even if it's not perfect, there's still plenty of stuff to occupy my time in Destiny.

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  • Good job Golfer, I really like your weekly updates. Keep that up!

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  • Nice to have a weekly update again... always enjoy reading these. Thanks for taking the time to write these! I'm not that hard core to say that if HoW isn't great that I'm done with the game.. After all, Bungie will try to the best it can, and they have shown with VOG the high standard they can set, only to fall a little short of it with CE. I don't think Bungie ever imagined that CE could be soloed all the way, and I'm sure they will use those lessons learned and all the feedback into the development of HoW. Having said that, I hope HoW is more like Empire Strikes Back/Aliens sequel quality than Jaws2/Rocky2. Hopefully HoW is such a success for Bungie that they decide to embark on another DLC afterwards. For sure, if it wasn't for being in IMMO, I probably would play a lot less. At the moment I do the dailies/weeklies/NF and VOG/CE HM when I can hop in or organize an IMMO raid. Occasionally PVP, but I don't have the time available to rank up in IB to get the gear, so only kick tyres there. I'm looking forward to HoW and tackling it with my fellow IMMO clan mates!

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  • Hello: my name is Swagmonster51, and I, am a Destiny addict As a guardian who had cleared CE HM nearly 30 times, despite my bitching and moaning, I'm in this game for the long haul. I keep telling myself I'll put it down and pick Borderlands or even Helldivers. But I can't seem to do it. Yes I would HoW to be flawlessly amazing. I want that same feeling the first time we opened the Vault. That heart pounding last rotation of Times Vengeance or The final Sword swing. I want teamwork instead of "ok rockets now. I'll kill him. *mash R1*" For the new player or those that hate the grind, Bungie needs to put out some serious content or they will lose a significant player basis. Love the updates and I look forward to the next one

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  • I couldn't be happier to see this back golfer. I love your updates. Interview with a blueverry ahaha. I'm picking an interview with the vampire type thing just with a drooling mess of a Destiny player in stead of Tom cruise... Thank god. I hate Tom cruise.. Thanks for MotW my friend. <3 it's truly an honour.

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