To the people that are complaining that Bungie takes to long to patch bugs I say this, the good thing is that when they do release the patch it doesn't break everything else and create more bugs. That's the difference. Bungie releases a proper patch while other developers just push out patch after patch. The first to fix the original bug then patch after patch to fix the bugs cause by the original patch. Bungie just takes a little more time and does it right the first time.
After every patch there are server issues
No, there are always server issues. But considering the magnitude of this game there are very few server issues. I get an error code maybe once a week.
I am not only talking about this game every game like Destiny,GTA Online has server issues because of how many players play it and how loaded servers get since after patches they are like in a state of rejuvenation which they can't get due heavy load of players
I don't have any problems after a patch. If anything the game run smoother after a patch for me. I think the people that have a problem is due to their internet.
Yes blame the Internet be ignorant
Edited by BSAdidas: 4/5/2015 5:33:57 AMYour right it's not the game and not [u]Your[/u] internet. It just happens to you because your [u]stupid[/u] and it never happens to anyone else. Or it could be because every PS4 is different. It's not like it's a console or something. Btw, I won't reply to this post again.
Grammatical errors are too damn high
Agreed. But kids want their cake and eat it to