I'm tired of people hating on all the classes
Edit: 200 replies!!! o.O
Edit: 300 replies...
I completely love all three. I use all three. And I enjoy them all very much. They are all completely different which makes it interesting and fun.
Warlock has least play time because the jump reks me every. And nova bomb just isn't as strong as it should be.
I love all three one day i feel like Titan other hunter and hunter again and hmmm spaceship time and so on and so on
I prefer my hunter but I do not hate my other 2 classes
I main a hunter only because i like the jump. The supers are meh in pve but i still enjoy the other two classes
I don't hate any class it's why I have one of each
I only main a Hunter, but generally have respect for the others. Each has its perks
I use all 3 but primary a Warlock. I don't hate the others, just think the Warlock is more fun to use.
I run all three. I hate none..
I don't care either wAy
I hate hunters Titans + warlocks = sexyness
I've only played warlock. I don't play much. But I see the advantage of each class. The Titan bubble and hunter blade are pretty sweet. My warlock can't take a hit. There's ups and downs for each.
I don't like playing the Titan, but that's because it doesn't suit my playstyle. No hate on people who play as Titans though.
Love all the classess
I like all my characters. Each one has a unique way to play that keeps things from being boring.
I don't hate any of the classes, they are all really fun to play as
Have 3 32s and enjoy them all. Can't wait until comet and a new subclass per guardian.
Warlock and Hunter I absolutely love. I don't hate my Titan it's super fun to play but would rather play the other two
I LOVE my hunter I LOVE (but less then my hunter) my titan I WANT TO LOVE my warlock. Its fun at times but ughhhhhh! Why not all the time???
I have all 3 and like all 3. Titan is my favorite though.
I don't hate any of them.
I always thought it's because they couldn't do well on the other class and had to reason that the class was bad. Cuz you know, it can't ever be them... Their momma's said they were the best at everything!
Edited by kxiong93: 4/4/2015 10:31:27 PMYep I enjoy all three classes. But obviously hunter is best!!! Lol jk jk
Got one of each gotta share the love
Ya i don't really get it