I'm tired of people hating on all the classes
Edit: 200 replies!!! o.O
Edit: 300 replies...
The only class i dont have is a hunter, the super moves just don't match my play style, I'm more of a defender and sunsinger guy
I hate all three classes equally.
why would i hate when i play all three. that being said, i hate ppl who hate on warlocks.
I have one of each and I love all 3. They all have their strengths and weaknesses of course but they're all special and it irritates me that most people don't see that or have 2or 3 of the same class. I'm not knocking anyone who has 2or3 of the same class but they're really missing out
I don't hate warlocks
all classes are made equal they are all good for different thing, teal with it #warlockmasterrace #titanmasterrace #huntermasterrace
All classes are different and that's what makes them the same they all help each other's weaknesses with others strength
I like all three of my characters equally I couldn't pick a specific one because they all have advantages and disadvantages so there's not one I prefer more then the other
Only Crucible players hate on classes.
Love them all, each can play an important role, besides its the person using the class, not the class being used, that is good or bad
I don't hate any of them because I don't crucible. If I did, it would just be me being bitter because a different class killed me. I have all 3 and they're all good when you learn how to use them. It's rock, paper, scissors in the end.
I have every class and i love them all #equalist
Yeah liking every class. Hunters arc blade. Warlocks self revive. And Titans bubble
Races,classes,pvp,pve,planets,enemies,this forum I hate them all
I have all 3 at 32 and I love using all of them
I crucible, and I like them all. I rotate using all three. I just used Titan for IB. Right now im using hunter. But my main will always be warlock
I have all 3, still new to hunters, I like the class hate the jump.
I would be one. I have beef with certain things about each class but I love them all none the less.
Nope, but i dont have a titan.. Not because i hate them, its because i m bad with them and cant play as titan..
I have one of each and I love each subclass just as much as the next. They all have their strengths.
Well, to be fair, I least prefer warlocks by far.
I always hated to use striker after I got defender on my Titan, I just feel more useful with defender :)
I just dislike the hunters who think they are the best in PvE. Titans who think their bubble saves everyone day. And warlocks who think self res makes them the best and needed for every activity.
I've always been a fan of all classes. I love to kill with everything and hate being killed by everything
I have all 3 and I like them all, but #huntermasterrace