Iron banner is not RnG based, you can't not get ascendant mats from VoG or trashing gear from marks, no excuses. The only reason anyone should not be 32 is if they've played for less than 15 hours or they just suck and don't do anything, it's just a lack of effort, so why should lazy noobs be able to participate in what all the 32's worked hard to get to, and they feel entitled to be carried.
Well, not everyone has the time to play Iron Banner or play Destiny all week long. What if they don't have the expansion? There is excuses to not being a 32.
[quote]Well, not everyone has the time to play Iron Banner or play Destiny all week long. [/quote] Then they don't have the time to be carried through hard raids. It takes about 12-20 hours to get 32 on a character, that's ridiculous, 4-6 hours for the campaign if you don't suck, 4 hours farming for simple vanguard gear, 4-6 hours for crota's end farming for mats and pieces. [quote]What if they don't have the expansion?[/quote] Then simply, why are they complaining about exclusions crota hard mode? and they can still get 32 with IB gear if they wanted to. They can't participate anyways.
Edited by Space Jesus: 4/5/2015 12:39:01 AMApparently you missed my point. People just can't take off work and play a video game. Heck, most of the time they work over night. Most people go to schools and get their education. They care more about their brain and their education than their level in a stupid video game. Don't treat it like it is a requirement to be a Lvl 32 there is much more important things to worry about than the Lvl of your character in a video game.
So basically you ran out of counter-statements so you use the most commonly used "I'm a boss" insult in the world. Dude, I have a job, I'm in calculus and every science you ever could think of that is interesting, not to mention honours english and french, and play multiple instruments passionately, but enough about me. I didn't know 20 hours over 7 months was a devastating amount of time in one's life. Sorry to offend you.
Edited by Space Jesus: 4/5/2015 4:08:13 AMWhen did I say I was a boss? I'm just telling you that some people have to work all night long and some people have to go to school. There isn't no need to be a douchebag about it. Don't make a Lvl in a video game such a big deal. It is just a video game, you are supposed to have fun, but you treat it like a job. Just have fun.
It is a job for us that don't have jobs so get gud skrub
It is a video game. You don't get paid by playing a video game. Get a job no life.