"[i]...Ever seen a dinosaur leg? I ate on before...very delicious[/i]"
You seem to be using the time machine XC4 gave to you. I prefer Megalodon Filet.
"[i]Ah, I'll try it...Maybe even some terodactyl Thigh...[/i]"
Yeah, that's XC4's favorite.
"[i]Hm.[/i]" [b]Looks at his claws[/b] "[i]Oh, I'm covered in blood...Eww[/i]"
*stares* Oh... Well then.
"[i]Is...there a wash room? Or, at least some where, where I may wash these?[/i]"
In the Starbucks, or over in the square.
"[i]Ah, Alright.[/i]"