*snaps hsi fingers*
Yo, kid, YOu listening what do you need?
*Doesn't look at you* Just looking around...
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 4/4/2015 10:19:01 PM*gasps* Another day another shayd Guy. Just make sure you acomplish at least one of the marked steps
Uh huh..
1. Try to fight someone, and possibly get yourself killed. Your corpse will be burned and possibly eaten. If you face me and survive, you will have earned my respect and you will be spared. 2. Present a gift or offering. This can range from weaponry, food/drink, music, and new technology. If I do not find your offering suitable, I will throw you out. 3. Join me, and help improve the dojo as a community, as well as defend the dojo. any of this