*stands up on my back legs and start jumping signaling you to hold me*
"Sorry, no thanks"
*starts crying more*
"Oh please don't cry. I hate it when people cry." *hands nearest piece of food "Better?"
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 4/5/2015 12:04:43 AM*looks away and cries and whines*
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 4/5/2015 12:14:41 AM"What's wrong now?" Ginger says, now slightly annoyed
*stands up on back legs and leans against you and cries on to you*
*continues to pet head "Oh yeah, you can't speak."
*starts wobbling back and forth then collapses unconscious*
"Holy shit. MEDIC!" I crouch over your body
*starts flinching* [spoiler]if I'm in pain the shadow can feel it too and vice versa[/spoiler]
*I call off the medics. Stay safe Kurai. I'll be back soon *goes to the hangar and flies CJ and Jams
*stands up and limps away towards a trash can*