*Examines arms* Are you feeling... well?
Perfectly fine... *he holds his hand out and flames spring up in various places*
*Stares at the flames* You remind me of someone.
*the flames begin to for into silhouettes*
*Signals to silhouettes, seeing if they can respond*
*they do not acknowledge you* *suddenly Amat shrouds himself in a cloud of smoke and reappears in front of one of the flaming figures. He slices the figure in half and moves the same way to the next spearing it through the chest with one blade and cutting its head off with the other*
You are quite adept at using your equipment.
*He repeats the process of vanishing, reappearing, and slicing the figures away until none remain* *Amat spins his swords, throwing off a cloud soot, and returns them to their sheathes*