Yes it is. My only reminder of a very old friend. Lucky son of a bitch died like a hero.
"[i]...Do, you mind telling me of him? Or her?[/i]"
Him. He acted like a horny teenager at times, but I could swear he mentioned things that happened longer than 70 years ago. He was like a father to me, never tried anything, and I never asked. For all his jokes and love, he was always trying to make the most money out of everything he could. He always wore a sombrero, no matter where he was, bar, starship, or meetings with customers. He lived a smuggler's ideal life, made loads of money, but never violated his rules. He did once, and that regret made him do something reckless, selfless. He died saving 7 entire races from extinction.
"[i]...Wow, He sounds amazing.[/i]"
He never got caught, always knew what to do. He was the one who gave me the hat, right before he got into his ship, to defend the portal to Chart 2. I still find it hard to believe that prakkin Galcop got him, he was too good for that.
"[i]So, he may live?[/i]"
Maybe, if so, he's probably still back at Chart 1, drinking Evil Juice all day in some space bar.
"[i]Oh...I see[/i]" [b]Lays on his back[/b]
*Lies in same position* So, what about your backstory? Any particular thing you want to explain? Your hmm, physique perhaps? [spoiler]hue hue hue[/spoiler]
"[i]My Physique? Well...I'm Farely skinny, Have some leg muscles...My chest and hips jut out. My scales are black, teeth large.. Claws sharp, Feet? two toed.[/i]" [b]He sighs[/b] "[i]Quite the monster.[/i]" [spoiler]Just look at the pic, imagine Three tails, and black and red coloring http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/Kur0i/Dragon_Knight_by_pamansazz.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dragon_Knight_(3.5e_Class)&h=703&w=591&tbnid=skrq3pbw1EMbJM:&zoom=1&docid=DBTiXjZMYmW7YM&ei=jZ0gVefIG9DXoASapoDoAw&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-att-us&ved=0CCkQMygFMAU [/spoiler]
My my, aren't you a sharply dressed beast. Quite beautiful.
Quite exquisite. Looks like you would give me a run for my DM in a match. [spoiler]DM- Dark Metal[/spoiler]
"[i]Hm...We can Duel tomorow? Let's say...2?[/i]" [spoiler]What time is it for you?[/spoiler]
Its a little after 10 at night here. [spoiler]US Central time[/spoiler]
"[i]Alright. Until then I'm gonna listen to music.[/i]"
I'm going to the bar, need another Oreo binge to wash away the memories.
"[i]ooh, can I...join you?[/i]"
Aye, see you there *Walks into the shadows*
[b]He walks towards the bat[/b]