Maybe, if so, he's probably still back at Chart 1, drinking Evil Juice all day in some space bar.
"[i]Oh...I see[/i]" [b]Lays on his back[/b]
*Lies in same position* So, what about your backstory? Any particular thing you want to explain? Your hmm, physique perhaps? [spoiler]hue hue hue[/spoiler]
"[i]My Physique? Well...I'm Farely skinny, Have some leg muscles...My chest and hips jut out. My scales are black, teeth large.. Claws sharp, Feet? two toed.[/i]" [b]He sighs[/b] "[i]Quite the monster.[/i]" [spoiler]Just look at the pic, imagine Three tails, and black and red coloring http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/Kur0i/Dragon_Knight_by_pamansazz.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dragon_Knight_(3.5e_Class)&h=703&w=591&tbnid=skrq3pbw1EMbJM:&zoom=1&docid=DBTiXjZMYmW7YM&ei=jZ0gVefIG9DXoASapoDoAw&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-att-us&ved=0CCkQMygFMAU [/spoiler]
My my, aren't you a sharply dressed beast. Quite beautiful.
Quite exquisite. Looks like you would give me a run for my DM in a match. [spoiler]DM- Dark Metal[/spoiler]
"[i]Hm...We can Duel tomorow? Let's say...2?[/i]" [spoiler]What time is it for you?[/spoiler]
Its a little after 10 at night here. [spoiler]US Central time[/spoiler]
"[i]Alright. Until then I'm gonna listen to music.[/i]"
I'm going to the bar, need another Oreo binge to wash away the memories.
"[i]ooh, can I...join you?[/i]"
Aye, see you there *Walks into the shadows*
[b]He walks towards the bat[/b]