Let's implement rewards for maxed grimoire scores. It's work. I'd love to see people who accomplish it get a shader or emblem or gun or something for it. That'd be pretty cool ;)
How do you have 2950?! I'm on PS4 and it says the max is 2930
That's the official max but there are ones you can get by glitching into DLC areas allowing you to get to 2950. :) if you go to destiny tracker and look at the leaderboards, the top 100 for grimoire scores are all 2950.
Isn't that like the only ghost shell in the game where exploring three game to get to those sealed off areas gets you banned? If not, i only know of dead ghosts in that giant tower on Venus near "The Citadel." Where do you get the rest?
Edited by 123: 4/6/2015 7:11:38 PMAs of now there are some in The Terminus (near Citadel) and King's Watch, near the Rocketyards on earth. If they can get you banned, then they need to ban me, my sister, and the entire Destiny tracker grimoire leaderboards ;) It's part of the game I bought. I'll explore them if I want. They shouldn't be on the disk if they're not to be explored. :)
How do u have 2950? U have ps4? The max on 1 is 2900 supposedly
Yeah, I'm on ps4. I thought the max for xb1 was 2930?
Hmm, I just hit grimoire and it says my score out of 2900. Maybe 30 is from HoW dlc. . If you don't mind, could you PLEASE check my grimoire out and tell me if I am missing anything that may be glitched or not working properly?
The only thing you are missing in the enemies section is your ogre kills. The other card in "cabal" is Siege Dancers which you can currently only get via a ps4 exclusive strike that will later be release to Xbox. Aside from that it's just the stuff listed in "activities". Mercury is messed up for everyone.
Thanks Joe!