*walks in wearing hoplite mk2 armour*
Can some one punch me full force
[quote]Tauros: "Y'all ready for this" *winds up, gears whirring, then punches you full force, boosted by a rocket at the elbow joint*[/quote]
*stumbles* is that all you got
[quote]Tauros: "Ah this guy is a big fella *static* Here we go again!" *picks you up, then throws you high up, bends down, a click is heard* *uppercuts you as you come down*[/quote]
*Odin mk 1 mech fly's and catches me and puts me down,*
*appears with a huge mechanical arm steaming and hits you so hard you fly into orbit*
*Rocket pack prevents orbit, crashes into wall* *flops off* I hardly felt a thing
*pokes* Pain inhibitors?
*look up* physical force negation armour and this thing can withstand a few at rounds
*oh so then lets sue soemhting reals insed of a gravity punch* *pulls out more normal mechanical arm* ROCKET PUNCH! *I unleash 4000Newtons of strenght at mach 20 at you*
*fly's back 5 metres* I think I should put on thanatos mk4 armour
[spoiler]so that hurted or NAh[/spoiler]
[spoiler]better balance that armor cause so far its considered OP[/spoiler]
Well... *Armour disintegrates* Don't worry back in my company we have lots of more stuff, here *hands over card* (search for #brokkr)