originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
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First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
Hey Im ToxicPhreak. I have a level 31 titan, 30 hunter and working on a warlock. My girl also games with me so im trying to teach her as well. She has a level 28 warlock. Anyway, ive only done the vog once and Crota twice. I have a nearly maxed hunger of crota, but nothing else thats super awesome. Id love to raid every week, but i can never find anyone. Hopefully i found a good home here. Ps, im a newly converted xbox user gone ps4. Add, msg, reply. Whatever, and we will get it going. **26 y/o on east coast usa**