I've seen many people on this forum making fun of how DPJ talks.
Mocking him.
Teasing him.
It's just awful.
Why do people make fun of something that someone can't change about themselves? It isn't DPJ's fault that he talks in a funny way. I've seen his videos, and when he says something funny, he really tries and tries again to correct it. [u]How would [i]you[/i] feel if an entire forum made fun of you for something you couldn't change?[/u] Let him make videos, let him have fun, don't chastise him for speaking funny. If you've ever been bullied, you know how this feels. The bungie.net that I know is better than this (hell, the b.net that I knew is pretty much gone now) All I ask is
Edit 1: I only put this on #Destiny and not #Offtopic is because I think people need to see this.
Edit 2: Damn I just realized that this post has 550+ replies (◎_◎;). I'm glad so many of you guys agree with me!
Edited by Ciudecca: 6/20/2016 1:26:03 PMI don't have anything against him, but I see what you are talking about [i]Sincerely Robin The Goblin[/i]
Thanks man, I appreciate the support here, but it's np if people ain't ever heard of an accent lol I'm still here 650k subs later ;)
This is a forum where people call others autistic as an insult and 15 year old kids think five hundred bucks in three months of work is enough for a xbone and to pay your bills. ... My point? Good luck trying to reach some of these people.
DPJ is awesome.
The "how would you feel" saying is actually something really powerful. If someone said it to you they wouldn't really care, but when it actually happens they tend to get upset and embarrassed about it.
Don't care about his voice, but his YouTube account is based on literally nothing important or worth watching
DPJ, I don't know why some make fun of him. He tries to have fun with the community by posting videos that he thinks the community will enjoy. Either spread love, constructive feedback or don't talk, no one likes haters. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
B.Net wasn't any better around Reach or Halo 3, in fact it was pretty much the same from what I can remember when my Xbox days. Anyway, don't know who the hell you're talking about, could care less. Don't know why you brought it up as I see no one talking about him. This has nothing to do with #Destiny as a game.
Anqwatid woon 😂😫😂 that's how he says antiquated rune
I like his videos.
I watch DPJ he's cool guy I have a friend who can't speak right and he's 18 sound like 14 he got bullied so much his parents pulled him out of school and he got home schooled
I don't know who this dpj guy is, but no one should make fun of someone that is trying to correct the way they speak. They can't help it if they have trouble correctly pronouncing or have a speech impediment.
I like DPJ he makes great content
Edited by RunicGymnast351: 10/11/2015 10:32:01 AMDpj is my favourite you youtuber
Edited by Xzabath: 10/11/2015 10:26:32 AMJimmaaaaaaay, dpj doesnt bother me its the one that calls everyone a bastard. We all open packages and decrypt engrams, and get nf rewards. Thats what he does and records right.
Nobody really cares. They just think it's funny.
I really like the guys videos and untill i reed this i never realized there was an issue well because there isnt its called an english accent. I get it sometimes your accent is well funny bullshit its well spoken english
Ooooooooooowhats goin on guys today we have another cwying post brought to us by op
I like his voice. My favorite destiny YouTube by far
I don't like his channel because it's low quality content, but his physical features have nothing to with it!
I gwot a pwurple engwam
The suwos waygime
I don't like him cause he's not entertaining.