I've seen many people on this forum making fun of how DPJ talks.
Mocking him.
Teasing him.
It's just awful.
Why do people make fun of something that someone can't change about themselves? It isn't DPJ's fault that he talks in a funny way. I've seen his videos, and when he says something funny, he really tries and tries again to correct it. [u]How would [i]you[/i] feel if an entire forum made fun of you for something you couldn't change?[/u] Let him make videos, let him have fun, don't chastise him for speaking funny. If you've ever been bullied, you know how this feels. The bungie.net that I know is better than this (hell, the b.net that I knew is pretty much gone now) All I ask is
Edit 1: I only put this on #Destiny and not #Offtopic is because I think people need to see this.
Edit 2: Damn I just realized that this post has 550+ replies (◎_◎;). I'm glad so many of you guys agree with me!
Who is dpj?