I don't know who I can contact but my items are missing from the postmaster. I had them sitting there until the patch for more vault space and now they are gone tonight. Help I want them back!!!!
The postmaster is not extra storage. Thing will disappear after certain amount of time or pushed out if you hit the limit.
Why in the world would you leave a Thunderlord at the postmaster.
Postmaster =/= storage Please do not use the postmaster as storage ever. He was designed as temporary storage only, it is likely that is type of unsafe storage of gear is volatile to changes. Bungie will not replace lost items.
Same thing here, i had 2 exotic weapons (Vex mytho. and No land B.) stored at the postmaster before the update (1.1.2) and now they're all gone right after i installed the 6GB update file...:(
dont use the postmaster as a vault
Postmaster can only hold 20 lost items after that it starts deleting the oldest items plus bungie has said that the postmaster isn't meant to be long term storage so after a certain amount of time it deletes items Also bungie doesn't replace lost items no matter how it happened sorry
Edited by A Mad Player: 4/6/2015 5:01:35 AMSorry they don't restore lost items.