"Is it lowering your outer temperature?"
I can't exactly tell.
*The vortex disperses. I begin to pace* "Hmm... I'm starting to draw a blank slate. I'm so sorry." *Tries to hug, but feels the heat already building back up.* "I'm so sorry, fire just isn't my thing....."
Well my abilities seem to have "exceptions."
"How so?"
Well the most obvious would be that I'm sitting here and not completely naked.
*Stops pacing* "Wait!!!! What if you can control what you burn? Try thinking about not burning that chair when you sit in it."
Edited by Void-Kell Lizard: 4/6/2015 1:26:47 PMI don't choose, the flames do. Also I used to think it only worked on material objects, then I met her...
*Awkward silence* "Well.... I got to go now, still seeing if I can get people with my QTT. I know it won't work on you, the water just evaporates near you."
*nods* Alright then.