originally posted in:Ballzagnaaa
So you've decided to get into a little Destiny multiplayer, huh? I'm sure that once you stepped into the Crucible, you got your ass handed to you, which is why you're here, right? That's okay. It happens to the best of us. Stepping into a new multiplayer game can be tough at first. I understand. People have their tricks, and you're still getting used to the controls, etcetera, etcetera.
Well, I'm here to help whip you into shape. Your Halo and Call of Duty skills will only get you so far in Destiny. Not only do you have to be a badass with a gun, but you also need the magic-handling skills of Gandalf the Grey and the tactical mind of Sun Tzu. But don't worry, just follow the multiplayer tips in this guide, and you'll get up to speed in no time.
It's something that most shooter players might not be used to: Strapping on your PvP gear before you get into a game. There have been plenty of times I was out killing Fallen with a semi-auto rifle and I forgot to switch to my prefered full-auto assault rifle before jumping into the Crucible. Granted it isn't a big deal to have to go into your inventory to swap it out during the match, but that's precious killing time you're wasting.
Another thing to remember is that the leveling advantages are turned off in the competitive matches. So, even if it's a lower level weapon, pick a gun that has the best sights, rate of fire, and recoil you can find. The level of the weapon doesn't matter. Even the first weapon you find in the game makes for a good starter PvP assault rifle.
Don't assume that players are going to drop like flies as soon as you hit them with a burst of bullets. This isn't Call of Duty. Appendages and even torso shots aren't going to get you anywhere near the top of the scoreboard. When you lock horns with another player in a one-on-one bout, you need the extra damage from a barrage of headshots to carry you though.
Accuracy is key, and as I mentioned before, make sure you choose a weapon that allows you to put as many bullets into a melon-sized target in the shortest amount of time possible. Lower recoil weapons will allow you to really drill it into your enemy's skull. And if you aren't missing every other shot, you're going to have a better chance of coming out of a head-to-head shootout alive.
In the heat of battle it can be easy to forget that you have a bunch of supernatural Traveler powers at your disposal, but make sure that you use them early and often. Each of your abilities, including your grenades, are on a timer. You're going to want to use your skills and equipment wisely, but don't hold on to them for the entire match without activating them.
When you see an opportunity to toss a grenade, let it fly. See a cluster of enemy players capturing a point, drop some psychic energy on them. The more you use your abilities the better chance you have at killing someone with them. Playing too conservatively is just a waste. You've got to shake what the Traveler gave you.
You want to be a good team play and try to capture points on the map, but there's a better way to help yourself and your team. Why sprint around the map looking for someone to kill when you could just guard a capture point and have your victims come to you? You'll help your team and get a bunch of kills. It's win, win. Enemy players will often trickle into a capture area and set themselves up in a fish-in-a-barrel formation. And that's when it's your time to strike.
When one or two enemies come-a-knocking, those guys will be easy pickings with a grenade and rifle one-two punch. If three or more players are headed your way, either ditch your defensive position or try to drop the Titan's Fist of Havoc or Warlock's Super Nova Bomb on them. The Shores of Time map's elevated cave entrance to Point A makes a perfect place to try this out. If the blast radius hits a few unsuspecting players, it could rack up your kill score very quickly.
You want to be a good team play and try to capture points on the map, but there's a better way to help yourself and your team. Why sprint around the map looking for someone to kill when you could just guard a capture point and have your victims come to you? You'll help your team and get a bunch of kills. It's win, win. Enemy players will often trickle into a capture area and set themselves up in a fish-in-a-barrel formation. And that's when it's your time to strike.
When one or two enemies come-a-knocking, those guys will be easy pickings with a grenade and rifle one-two punch. If three or more players are headed your way, either ditch your defensive position or try to drop the Titan's Fist of Havoc or Warlock's Super Nova Bomb on them. The Shores of Time map's elevated cave entrance to Point A makes a perfect place to try this out. If the blast radius hits a few unsuspecting players, it could rack up your kill score very quickly.
When you start a multiplayer match, you only have ammo for your primary weapon and a few rounds for your special weapon. All other ammo must be picked up in combat. Spread all around the multiplayer maps are special ammo crates. Jump on those quick, if you plan on using your secondary weapon often.
As the match goes on, purple heavy ammo boxes start to spawn in. A purple ammo icon will appear on your hud and the match announcer will say, "Heavy ammo available." When you hear that, start running for purple. Grabbing heavy ammo gives you a huge advantage over the competition. Nothing's more satisfying than firing a rocket into a crowded capture point.
In the Tower there is a merchant called the Bounty Tracker, who hands out challenges for both the Crucible and PvE missions. Make sure that you head over and talk to this guy before you start blasting fools away in PvP. You can find him on top of the stairs near the entrance to the Guardian Tower.
Some of the bounties can net you pretty hefty rewards in the form of experience and Crucible Reputation. Crucible Reputation can be used to purchase PvP gear, and the experience boost is sure to get you levelled up and into the coolest looking armour in no time.
These are early days in the world of Destiny and everyone is still learning how to be a badass Guardian. Do you have any tips for the masses? What tactics have you discovered? Let us know your secrets to demolishing the competition in the comments below
Edited by Thunda_Punk: 4/6/2015 4:28:03 PMBurstmvp that was a great summation of everything. If there's one thing I can think to add it's about the radar. Destiny is a faster paced game than Halo, and once a decent amount of time has passed in any of the gametypes in Crucible everyone is sprinting like a madman. You can really excel in this confusion if you pay close attention to your radar, and as soon as you see red on your radar that's in your immediate vicinity stop and prepare. Your enemy will often come flying through that doorway/corridor like a bat out of hell and you'll already have some shots on him/her. Patience is key guardians, keep this in mind the next time you jump into the crucible!