Every tracking rocket launcher i've ever gotten or seen has only ever been solar.
Has an Arc damage launcher ever dropped for anyone cause i'm kinda feeling like its a Unicorn.
"Edit- wow, some sick RLs out there. You guys are real lucky. So i guess i've been unlucky with my launcher drops but it would be sweet to get one before HoW drops. Thanks for all the comments :-)
Edit - wow, over 250 comments! Awesome feedback, i will be keeping my fingers crossed for this NF. Thanks for all the cool feedback
Edit - holy crap over 400+ comments. Did all my nightfalls, no RL. Can't believe this thread is trending still gonna keep grinding cause hey why not.
Edit: lol @ this bump.
Was nice to finally trap my unicorn this morning from NF. Check my Hunter, nothing amazing but still pretty cool.
Thnx for the almost 700 comments, you guys have some amazing weapons.
Edit: my friend is trolling me reviving this thread from the grave. I've had plenty great arc RL in the past few weeks.
Edit: Msg RubberDucky84 for Blacksmith shaders & redbull codes. He has 30 of each to give away :-)
First come first serve!!!!
My radagats has arc and tracking
I have one. It was the "Christmas gift" we got
U gotta get lucky or a rad fury to reroll, my bro got one with tracking and proximity from monarchy it's awesome
There once was a time when I didn't have an arc tracking RL and I was sad. Six made this post and I wanted to say I had one. Then I deleted my warlock to get murmur and the strangers rifle now that I have more vault space. Well around level 12 the gunsmith had a rocket launcher for sale and I needed one and bought it. Well turns out it's arc tracking. Might be a level 12 119 damage green rocket launcher but it's arc and it tracks. SUCK IT SIX!!!!!!!!
I have a one way ticket arc with tracking.
I have 4 arc rocket launchers...only 2 have tracking....one way ticket & exodus plan
Edited by pickard008: 4/7/2015 5:03:01 PMRadegasts fury - arc damage, tracking, clown cartridge, and field scout. Probably the greatest roll ever
Should have just picked up RFury. That's what I did, but I feel for you there are just some things that just never happen. I believe that's the nice part of iron banner. If you don't have something you can always reroll for it.
The Admonisher III on my Titan. Arc, tracking... something else. I don't know, I never use it.
My friend has one. Move along please.
Radegast's: Make your own rocket launcher
The truth is tracking void
I have an arc rocket launcher with grenades and horseshoes. No tracking :(
Got an arc valedictorian with tracking. That is the only reason I still keep it. And for shits n giggles.
I don't have tracking, but it came with tripod so having 3 in clip (8 total) is great. One Way Ticket has good velocity and blast radius. Grenadier is alright but I like it.
Admonisher III on my titan
I have a Valedictorian with Arc and Field Scout. Pretty boss. I end up using my arc Against All Odds more often anyway though :P
Unfriendly Giant with arc. They were plentiful pre-DLC.
I got a one way ticket with tracking. Arc heavy machine guns are what have always eluded me. Other than Thunderlord ice never had one drop. I had to reroll Jolder's Hammer a bunch of times to get arc with decent perks
What's a tracking rocket? I have never had a rng perk tracking rocket
Edited by dwilly531: 2/27/2016 1:16:02 PM
I have an arc One Way Ticket with tracking.
I have a New Monarchy void tracking launcher but it can only hold 1 rocket. And I have another NewMonarchy arc launcher but no tracking.
Exodus Plan RS/1 On my titan from Dead Orbit
I have an Arc Radegast's Fury with tracking. Only has one in the tube if I remember correctly, but it pretty good.
My tracking ARC Radagast's Fury with field scout says otherwise ;-)