Every tracking rocket launcher i've ever gotten or seen has only ever been solar.
Has an Arc damage launcher ever dropped for anyone cause i'm kinda feeling like its a Unicorn.
"Edit- wow, some sick RLs out there. You guys are real lucky. So i guess i've been unlucky with my launcher drops but it would be sweet to get one before HoW drops. Thanks for all the comments :-)
Edit - wow, over 250 comments! Awesome feedback, i will be keeping my fingers crossed for this NF. Thanks for all the cool feedback
Edit - holy crap over 400+ comments. Did all my nightfalls, no RL. Can't believe this thread is trending still gonna keep grinding cause hey why not.
Edit: lol @ this bump.
Was nice to finally trap my unicorn this morning from NF. Check my Hunter, nothing amazing but still pretty cool.
Thnx for the almost 700 comments, you guys have some amazing weapons.
Edit: my friend is trolling me reviving this thread from the grave. I've had plenty great arc RL in the past few weeks.
Edit: Msg RubberDucky84 for Blacksmith shaders & redbull codes. He has 30 of each to give away :-)
First come first serve!!!!
i rolled my IB launcher for arc/ tracking.
only one i got is the iron banner one
Also wondered this. Only ever had one tracking rocket drop and it was a blue solar one. 252 damage or something. Still waiting on the truth dropping. Have two maxed ghorns so can't complain.
You would want a unicorn! You old man hat wearing silly nanny!
Radekast fury had arc And tracking if ur lucky to roll it
before DLC there was the Unfrienly Giant... miss that one.. from Iron Banner i have the radegast fury, rerolled it to tracking/arc But yes they seem rare....
Edited by TickleMyHuevos: 4/7/2015 12:34:32 AMCheck my warlock. Arc Valedictorian w/tracking, heavy payload/javelin and spray and play.
I have a tracking arc one way ticket.
It's rare enough to get an arc heavy.
I had the cure with tracking and arc. It's long gone tho
Me and most of my friends played Iron Banner to get the launcher instead of waiting for RNGeesus bleesing.
I have one, an arc one way ticket
Radegasts fury.
One way ticket arc with spray and play and tracking 1 rocket in chamber it's vualted bc I have a ghorn 2 hoc and a harms way w/ field scout
Yea I have one from crucible
Edited by Deviouz2Spooky: 4/6/2015 11:57:30 PMNot a myth, check my level 25 titan. It's rare though.
My Titan's one way ticket tracks and is arc.
Edited by Imaquestionmark: 4/7/2015 12:01:29 AMbut solar had the best rocket of all time ~yeezy
I have an Arc 331 I use in nightfalls.
Truth is void though
i have a rad's fury that's arc with tracking, field scout and clown cartridge. has 2 in the chamber and sometimes gets 3 with the clown cart. ^_^ my favorite legendary rocket launcher .
Iron banner rocket launcher
I have an arc Lvl 300 unfriendly giant with tracking which dropped for me in December, but nothing else since the Crota DLC... Unicorn for sure.
valedictorian exist in solar or arc
My Hunter has a Radegast's Fury with Arc, Warhead Verniers, Tracking, Field Scout and Third Eye. It is currently equipped, but not fully leveled.
i have an arc damage exodus plan rs/1 that has tracking, field scout and 3rd eye. got it from a vanguard package.