Hey guys I've been working recently on revamping Destiny Item Viewer to have more features and filters than ever before check it out on your favorite browser I recently ported it from Chrome to Firefox so you can choose which one to try.
[b]What it is[/b]
For those who are unfamiliar with Destiny Item Viewer the app allows you view and move around your inventory easily and quickly allowing you to setup loadouts with multiple weapons or one weapon, multiple armor or one armor piece, various filters, see what weapons you are missing, share your inventory with friends, and more.
It is perfectly safe and open source code that doesn't require you to log in directly with it because it is using the already logged in credentials from Bungie.net.. You are free to review the code that communicates with Bungie here: https://github.com/dasilva333/DIM/blob/mixed/scripts/bungie.js to ensure it's safe to use however I assure you from the many people who contribute to this project and help me find bugs that it is perfectly alright.
[b]Screen shots[/b]
Toolbar: http://i.imgur.com/Tk6pwcr.png
Filters http://i.imgur.com/BZkdB12.png
Transfer Pop up: http://i.imgur.com/hjLrO9i.png
DestinyDB tooltip with custom perks & stats: http://i.imgur.com/UH8AvGq.png
Weapons View: http://i.imgur.com/gMpnHIh.png
Armor View: http://i.imgur.com/fkSG3u5.png
Other View: http://i.imgur.com/c9FPrJ2.png
Transfer Materials & split stacks: http://i.imgur.com/hqvhk8m.png
Create loadouts with more than 1 weapon type: http://i.imgur.com/oVe4MbU.png
Find Missing Items from a Set: http://i.imgur.com/jl3j1ZM.png
Share your inventory with friends with a share URL powered by DestinyExotics.com: http://i.imgur.com/ft9G5ZH.png
Smart transfer system accommodates for full vaults by swapping items instead of transferring: http://i.imgur.com/jQICzmc.png (in the screenshot the primary weapon is transferred and the special weapons are swapped)
Search by perk: http://i.imgur.com/qGNNduy.png
Search by name: http://i.imgur.com/HnDse6v.png
Chrome version
Firefox version found here
Android version
Windows Phone Store
Apple App Store coming soon...
[b]Report Bugs or Issues and more information[/b]
Download links for Android Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, iOS Apple Users, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Windows Phone users
Hey man, it works fantastic! It is so quick and its made my life so much easier lol. I just had one comment. It doesn't seem to show Decoherent Engrams that often when they should be there. I only every seen one Engram and it was a class item. I have noticed that it doesn't show Engrams for Armor or Weapons. The only reason I mention it is because I use one character to decrypt everything so that I can advance his Cryptarch class and it would be really quick if I could use your system. Again fantastic job though!