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originally posted in: [Unbroken_Dojo]
4/6/2015 10:17:15 PM
*you hear laughing emitting from within my body, as my jaw lies stiff and unmoving* *another set of blue fire wings appear on my back, as all tails regenerate and total up to 14* *all dialogue and speaking now emits from my body* You really thought that was all, Dragon? *I draw Gehenna from my back and slash in the air with both weapons, releasing a flurry of cinders and embers* Cinder Legion! *ash forms into spears all around me as they catch fire and launch themselves at you* *I fly forward at you with ash trailing behind me, and slash with Gehenna, releasing a gout of blue fire from its nozzle at you*

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  • [i]Prideful,[/i] *wings manifest black fire as they swipe and cut each spear tossed* [i]yet brash.[/i] *walks slowly towards you* [i]I do not know what fuels your fire to win, bird, but it is misplaced.[/i] *all six wings point to you, then, with orange and red energy, the glow and point to my head* [i]Where victory was once your gambit, survival now takes priority.[/i] And whether or not you can withstand our might, [i]our ire will urge us on to fight.[/i]

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  • *I bring both Gehenna and Razorflame to my side* Kalameet of Ire,- *my 4 wings burn brighter* *I fly closer to you* -Isfet of Chaos,- *my 14 tails burn brighter* *closer* -Erisin of Strife,- *both my edges burn with blue and purple fire* *closer* -Bahamut of Pride,- *blue fire begins to trail from the tips of my swords, leaving lines of fire in the air* All of you compete and brag over each other, all of you see us as vessels, nothing more. A pity... For if you realized that we had more, you would have more as well. Rift Slash! *I fly at you and begin spinning through the air, my blades leaving a spiral of indigo fire behind me* *I try to disorient you by slashing with my twisting entrance, and strike at you with my violet coloured blades*

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  • [b]Signature Move: Mark of Calamity![/b] *your spinning comes to a halt as i hoist you up in front of me in a telekinetic grip* [i]Vessels. That is what bodies are.[/i] *the grip tightens as the Simons mark on my forehead begins to glow* [i]The others, they argue and squabble over their petty reign, but I am an ancient. The everlasting. I am but a lord of my domain, not king.[/i] *the mark fragments and Mars your humanity and soul. The grip dissipates, you fall from your position* *my body descends, my normal sight is restored* Ah, better.

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  • Edited by Chinkronomicon: 4/7/2015 1:00:08 AM
    [quote]*the mark fragments and Mars your humanity and soul. The grip dissipates, you fall from your position* humanity and soul humanity and soul humanity AND SOUL[/quote] *I fall to the ground with my eyes closed, landing with a few sickening cracks as my wings and tails disappear* ... *the ground around me turns to ash very slowly, but is a harsh black ash, rather than my regular grey cinders* *I rise suddenly, my irises dancing with blue flames and the whites of my eyes turned black* You idiot.... I was the only thing keeping him at bay... The controller of my flames... The Phoenix... The creator of my flames... [b][i]THE ENTITY-[/i][/b] *one hand flies to my face and forms a crude mask out of black ash* *I scream with a chorus of multiple tones as blue fire comes in waves all around me, snaking across the ground and turning it into ash* [b][i]WE ARE- I AM THE ENTITY, I- WE- BURN TO NOTHINGNESS, WRETCH-[/i][/b] *I scream once more in the metallic, multi-toned voice as I rip half the mask from my face, clearing the left side of my face* *you see a tear track of ash run down from one regular eye, the other seen through the mask and burning with blue hatred and black despair* *2 sets of fire wings appear on my back, but this one less shaped and controlled than the other, as if these ones were made of a raging inferno rather than formed flames* *I thrust out my hands and begin spouting flame, but then drop to the ground again and scream* *I pick up my blades and they burn with more violet and blue fire, but they creep along the handle and twirl around my arms* *fire erupts from all wounds and ash rushes back in, the re-cracking of bones being heard as ash hardens to repair them* [i]Chained... Entity... [b]SLASH![/b][/i] *ash blows from the ground as I launch myself upwards, flame trailing from the tips of my sword and creating a miniature fire storm in my wake*

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  • *i stand from kneeling, body beaten and bruised* *i look at you* Bring it.

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  • *I come at you and slash Attack on Titan style with both blades, spinning and slashing both across your chest* *a wave of fire pulses from my body*

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  • *ducks under and boosts past the strikes with thrusters, sweeping out your legs with my arm in the process* *is stand up and turn around, drawing my pistol and firing three uncharged rounds at you*

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  • *I roar, with a chorus of different voices assisting me, as blue fire erupts from my mouth in the direction of the bullets* *I fly through the inferno and slash away the melted metal with my blades* *I pommel smash your hand carrying the gun with Razorflame and try to slash across your arm* *With Gehenna, I shoot a gout of blue fire from the nozzles at you as I try to impale you with it*

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  • *i jump backward with my wings and thrusters, being grazed by your sword* *dashes forward with a horizontal swipe of my sword, while dropping a small device on the ground*

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  • *the wound my sword gave immediately burns with fire, engulfing you and creating a miniature inferno around you before detonating* *flies away from the device* [b][i]BURN NOW, WRE-[/i][/b] *shudders and stops talking for a moment, with arms gripping swords but hanging limp at sides*

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  • *runs out of the blaze, patting off the fire, my left forearm is severely burnt* Cobalt! *runs toward you, jumping then kicking you with both feet* *I fall to the ground, then spring backwards back up, sword held in a parrying stance*

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  • *recoils from kick, but the masked side of me looks at you dead on* *swipes Gehenna at you, releasing another tornado of blue fire that covers most of the arena* *I fly through it all and try to engage your blade with Razorflame, and attack with Gehenna while releasing more fire*

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  • *strafes back to avoid the fire* *sees you approach with the katana* Jesus, a window. I needed this... *parrys the katana, throwing you off balance when you swing your other sword. As I duck underneath the swing, I grab your shoulder and riposte by impaling you with Blood Ribbon* *i place my foot on your chest to remove the blade, kicking your body to the ground in the process. I twirl the blade, making Crimson ribbons in the air*

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  • *roars once more, and the blood in the air turns to ash* *ash turns to spears which launch themselves at you* *with ash trailing from my wound, I drop to the ground and scream once more, trying to rip the mask off of myself* *a small piece flies off and turns to ash* *stands up and takes a more refined stance with my dual blades* *slashes down in an X form and the blue fire tornado rushes towards the ground* *I rush once more, advancing with flying straight at you but turning at the last second to put a part of my fire wings into your face, trying to burn you*

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  • *throw my sword in the air up straight as I dash left to evade the fire tornado. I circle around, running towards you* *I jump to try and dodge the fire, And in the air I grab my falling sword just in time to strike downward diagonally before landing and rolling on the ground. I get burnt anyways* Owowowowowowowow!!!

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  • *a burst of ash erupts from my slash* *fire tornado swirls around me as something in my body shifts, my body re-healing but my legs going limp* [b][i]Chained Entity...[/i][/b] *fire tornado churns around my body, enveloping me in fire*

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  • *sheathes Blood Ribbon* There's no way in hell I'm making it in there. *eyes at pistol on the ground, runs and jumps for it, grabs it and charges a round* If cobalt remembers this, he's gonna be pissed. *fires a round at your leg, then charges another*

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  • *round penetrates my leg and paralyzes it I shout the final words to my attack* [b][i]...Inferno Manifestation.[/i][/b] *ash pours through the bullet hole and I fly at you, the tornado in my wake and forming colossal wings behind me* *some of the inferno jumps to my blades as I fly at you with them, flying straight ahead at you with my blades poised to strike* *the black ash mask forms once more as it covers the full half of my face, the blazing black and blue eye seen through it* *I bring slash my blades down in front of me with an X formation, causing blue fire to rain from the sky and snake to your position*

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  • *breathe a quick burst of flame from my mouth to launch my self backwards, evading your blades and the majority of of the fire rain* *i land on my feet and fire the last charged shot at your chest* *I then drop the gun and two-hand Blood Ribbon*

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  • *the shot goes straight through my chest, shredding my heart* *blood, ash and fire pour from the wound as my skin turns greyer and greyer* *fire begins to geyser from my ashen body, actually coming from newly formed cracks* *the mask begins to take more form and cover my face* *with another multi-chorused scream, I charge straight at you and shoot a wave of fire with Gehenna while attempting to slash, more fire trailing behind my blade* *I keep Razorflame at the ready to guard, edge imbued with the inferno behind me*

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  • [quote]*the shot goes straight through my chest, shredding my heart* *blood, ash and fire pour from the wound as my skin turns greyer and greyer* *fire begins to geyser from my ashen body, actually coming from newly formed cracks* *the mask begins to take more form and cover my face* *with another multi-chorused scream, I charge straight at you and shoot a wave of fire with Gehenna while attempting to slash, more fire trailing behind my blade* *I keep Razorflame at the ready to guard, edge imbued with the inferno behind me*[/quote] You fell for it once: shame on me. *I orient the blade above my head pointing downwards as you strike* You fall for it twice: shame on you! *your blade strikes mine at an angle, allowing it to glide off it. As I suck under the parry, I pull the blade down behind me and back up in front with all of my might*

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  • [i]No![/i] *from the bullet hole in my chest springs crude ash that forms into a long spearhead, which shoots out at you point blank as you my front is exposed*

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  • *as my blade connects, I get impaled by the spear* Ugh! You son of a... *i break the spearhead off with my sword and kick you backwards once free* *i remove the spearhead from my chest. I pull out a small sack, fill it with dirt, and put it in the hole left by the spearhead to suppress the bleeding* You getting tired yet? *readys sword* Because I'm still kicking...

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  • *screams again, but this time drops blades and falls to knees* [b][i]UNWORTHY-[/i][/b] *tries to pry mask off of face, but a patch covering my eye remains* *inferno behind me flickers as I do this, and then begins to break apart from my wings* *flames snake around me, and then 8 long pieces of fire launch themselves at you as I try to pry the rest of the mask off, disregarding my injuries*

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  • *strikes down 6 of the 8 flames that are sent at me* Cobalt! Don't yu fricking dare! *runs at you, tossing the sword in the air. I jump up, catching it, then throwing a vertical strike at your face-patch-thing*

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