Hello? you are the new Member right.
*takes out aa Holographic Hud form one of the Prostetic Arms*
OK, so it, syas that you arent a Good talker, that you arent currently trained But you learn fast.
SO! I came here to Help you out.
*extends the Prostetic Hand with a Brotherly smile on the Scar filled face*
I AM ALejandro Salazar Zipztl, Artilelry Commander, CQC especialist form the Nova7 the Chemical trooper Unit of the Mars army.
and you are?
Uh.... hello..... you are real right?
*punches himslef and waits a second Yes I am. had me worried for a second. Ok so Your name Is Serenity or Cristal?
How.... how do you.... you.... you're another one aren't you... *Backs away*
another what? cyborg. Yeah we could say. In Mars we Call it (colaterla Damage) *aproaches* SO can I just call you Serenity?
*Runs away because she thinks you're part of another nightmare* [spoiler]What set her off just now, so you know if you want to continue later; 1-Mainly you broke the fourth wall, you knew her name out of nowhere and talked as if it was me, not a character in that reality 2-You tried to touch her randomly 3-You didn't notice her reaction and ease it in instead You'll probably have to wait a bit before you talk to her again, she thinks your another nightmare trying to get her. Also if you didn't know, spoilers (This bar for example) are out of character. And I'm trying to help you later with this feedback, not shut you down.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]OK. But when you are accpeted inot the DOjo SUPOSEDLY you give out your info SO i had acces to your name and that. cna you tell me when I cna talk to her agian[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Suposedly Posting the BIO on the Dojo you are handing over your Information so anyone knows who you are[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You mean in character? In character you just saw a random person appear outside. Out of character (User to user) you are fully aware of what goes on, omnipotent. But remember that our characters have no knowledge of each other, nobody can canonically explain if they try to. Think about it this way; How does your character know my character by a glance? You can't use what you know as a user, only what you know in character.[/spoiler]
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 4/7/2015 1:40:08 AM[spoiler]OK. ........can we retry it?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Later probably, I'm spread pretty thin[/spoiler]
[spoiler]latter then[/spoiler]
HELLO? *taps shoudler(