F*ck that shit.
*spins up to you with an uppercut, ash and fire trailing behind my fist*
[spoiler]Isn't actually a Shoryuken, just my power mimicking it. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]i loled[/spoiler] * as you spin up he mutters the word "HA!" * * A blue beam is sent towards your spinning body*
Oh what the fu- *the blue beam envelopes me, and nothing is seen for the duration of the beam* ... *smoke fades to reveal a scratched up Phoenix holding his sword in front of him, a barrier of ash formed in front of him* I submit. You've proven yourself to me... Perhaps one day, I will use my blade against you. But not today.
That's good because im hungry, where is somewhere to get something to eat?
Shark is away from the restaurant, but I can give you a cookie or something from Starbucks. I mostly have drinks, sorry.
Ugh, it will do