*walks around the dojo while doing tricks with Hell's scream "
*smiels* Hey there. you look like a gunslinger.
no I'm just in my human form go read my Bio salazar
Oh BTW got some pics of my reovlers [url=http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/gamesites/redsteel2/livesite/gb/gfx/weapons/longarm.png]Slinger ligth reovler[/url] [url=http://cyberpunk.asia/images/Mustang_Arms_Whisper_II.jpg]Heavy Kraken Hand cannon[/url]
Doesnt mention a human from
Edited by SovietPotatoe: 4/7/2015 2:37:16 AMBecause I'm human i like your slinger light revolver i presume you saw my Hell's scream if you haven't here
that makes sense. Yeha ive seen it before form another gunslinger wll mroe liek a Deathslinger. 44.demonium aint it?
No nobody has this Revolver i crafted this my own the bullets are made from my own blood and dark element from Hell
sure thing ive seen it before. the guy told me the curse of hsi gun was intmotal and sombody would reforge it . I didnt gave a damm and shot him
nobody ever made this gun but there is one which resembles it but it can't hold Demon blood as a bullet for it will explode in their hands
Wait a second. *the bandolier starts spining aorudn the whole torso* where is it........... THERE! *the bandolier stops as I pull out a Demon blood bullet* Here this si waht left from that guy And this Photo *shows a photo of me necknsnaping a ghoul gunslinger who si tyring to aim his guna t me*
A ghoul is not powerful enough to be combined with the dark element *shows you the process of making a bullet* do you get it now
i never siad he made them. he was a Ghopul not liek Kaneki this ghouls are peopel who refuced to to accept death and made deals with you know who. to live longer bet he made the gun and bullets
i crafted this gun with my own blood *shows you the blood inside the gun* it's my design
hmm. i could still be that guy used the smae weapon but who know i Am the cyborg guy after all