I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Crota cp hard send me class launcher and lvl in the message on Xbox
2 lvl 32s looking for atheon hard cp. Send invite to Gt brawlymike. We both know what we're doing.
Death singers checkpoint on hard. Level 31+. Message gamertag above. Need 1
Need one or two for Crota cp on normal, must have gallarhorn, message TwilightSpkl for invite
VoG gatekeeper checkpoint on normal need 5 people gt above
If anyone wants to do Crota hard cp reply to this message saying class lvl and launcher do not send a message to my xbox
Need 4 for vog normal atheon cp message Eggplant043 for invite
Looking for five 30+ people to run VoG hard fresh. GT: Nathanual
Need 4 for vog normal atheon cp message Eggplant043 for invite
Going to run Crota cp on hard 3 times, need two people. Message me for invite, gt same as above.
Need one more for crota hard fresh GT above
Conflux cp hard mode message gt: Cnok26 for invite
Crota's End hard Crota checkpoint Need 2 people 32 only Message Ganesh above for invite
Need 4 32s for Crota cp on hard Need at least 2 Titans Must have tracking rockets Must have exp Must have mic Gt same as above msg for inv
Crota normal cp 30+
Crota hard cp
Need 1 for fresh hard crotas end. Message for invite: bossbryan11
Need 4 32s for Crota cp on hard Need at least 2 Titans Must have tracking rockets Must have exp Must have mic Gt same as above msg for inv
Need 2 atheon cp 30+
Looking for 3 more for VOG normal Message same GT for invite!!
Need 4 32s for Crota cp on hard Need at least 2 Titans Must have tracking rockets Must have exp Must have mic Gt same as above msg for inv
Looking for fresh VOG normal Level 30 warlock Gt same as above!!!
Ok I'm bored lvl 32 titan and hunter anyone looking for help message me gt same as here
Need people for fresh crotas end raid message my gt same as my bungie name for an invite
Need people for fresh crotas end raid message my gt same as my bungie name for an invite
Vog normal fresh 28+. Gt as above