I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need 2 30+ for a fresh VoG on hard. Message "Impure Mexican" for an invite.
Crota's end fresh on hard...32 plus...need a mic...experienced swordbearer...message for invite
Hard mode Deathsinger CP. Gt is same as above, have a good rocket and need a sword bearer. Self res Warlocks recommended. Msg for invite.
Hard mode crota checkpoint , msg for invite same as above
Crota hard cp need 2 more
We are The Destiny Raiders We are looking for people to join :) We are a friendly clan that likes to help others do raids and nightfalls ect, We battle till the end :) we like to get it done We are a a decent team and we like to help do nightfalls and everything Link: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/848033
I'll gladly to vog with you
Hosting crota fresh run normal. Message for invite GT is above
32 hunter looking for fresh Crota hard. Msg in game. Consultationist.
looking for two for fresh normal vog gt edgramps104
Need hard Crota swordbearer lv32 gt Ctrl Ace
Hosting crota cp on hard. Need a hunter for sword and mist be 32. Message Paralision Claw for an invite.
Need 3 for Crota normal cp
Xbox 360 Crota normal fresh Prefer lvl 31+ Gt me ki11 you
lvl 32 hunter looking to join group for crota hard fresh , max hoc have mic , gt same
VOG Atheon checkpoint must be 30+ with experience and have a mic
Hard Crota Cp, Must be 32, i can be sword bearer but im a titan. I have ghorn max, must have max hunger/ghorn or no coming in, gt same above
Oracles checkpoint VOG hard need 4 more
Need 3 for Hard Crota at Crota Checkpoint •must have rocket (Ghorn,Hunger, or Truth) •must be lvl 32 •must have mic •must be experienced
Need 4 for Hard Mode Crota checkpoint Msg for invite
Need 3 for bridge normal
Need 2 for Crota normal co one needs to be sword bearer
Crota fresh normal I'm Lvl 31 with max ghorn Gt same as above
Doing crota reg at bridge cp need 4 more ppl messge my gt for inv
Need 1 for VOG normal fresh