I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need 1 for VOG normal fresh
Trying to start vog on hard. Need 4 more guardians. Message gt above for invite
Need 5 30+ for Atheon cp. need to know how to run relic gt same
VOG normal need 5 msg for invite 30+ trying to do it quick
Need 4 people for crota cp on hard message for inv 32 only same as above
Need 5 people for gatekeeper hard cp message hetzer150. I'm going to do it twice
Need 3 for hard Templar CP. Gt is same as above.
Crota Hard Cp on Xbox 360 2 more 32+'s with experience only NO KINDERGUARDIANS (Need Titan and Sword bearer) GT- Faded Fantazy Have Gorgon Chest too if you haven't grabbed it already.
Need 3 For Hard Mode Crota We Have Crota Cp We Need Atleast One Swordbearer
Need 2 31+ for nf.
32 warlock looking for crota cp on hard. Gt is same as above
VoG hard conflux cp
Can anyone carry my 29 Titan through crota cp I have it and I have ice fate hezen
Lf3m for fresh normal CE only uncommon or worse weapons message me for inv gt same as name
Need 3 for normal crota cp. 30+ with tracking rocket. Msg DreaD ScopeZ for invite
Crota hard CP Need swordbearer Message Ermahgerd C4 for invite
Crota Hard Cp on Xbox 360 1 more 32+ sword bearer with experience only NO KINDERGUARDIANS GT- Faded Fantazy Have Gorgon Chest too if you haven't grabbed it already.
Need swordbearer for hard mode Crota gt same as above
Crota on normal fresh run!!!!! •No kids please... •I'm a Lvl 31 warlock, both classes maxed. •GT above
Normal vog fresh need 3 gt same msg for inv
On my way
I'm a sword barrier doing any difficulty must be able to take him down gt same as above
I'm a sword barrier doing any difficulty must be able to take him down gt same as above
Crota co on hard message for invite. Gt is eskimoginga.
Msg for inv for nightfall