I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Msg for inv for nightfall
Need 5 crota cp on normal 30+ msg for invite gt same as above
Looking to help with crota easy fresh gt: xplosivo32
Vog normal gatekeeper cp need 4 message Razorfan67 or gt above for invite
Bridge cp Normal gt same
The New Erra xbox 360 clan is recruiting! I'm not going to tell you what we are about... If you are interested send iDeeeeeKs OG a message on here or the xbox 360 and I can give you more details! Thanks for reading
If anyone needs help with either raid on normal inv me im a 32 i can use relic and sword
The New Erra xbox 360 clan is recruiting! I'm not going to tell you what we are about... If you are interested send iDeeeeeKs OG a message on here or the xbox 360 and I can give you more details! Thanks for reading
Hard Crota need swordbearer and 1
Looking for lvl 31+ for Crota hard bridge cp msg for inv get same 360
Hard Crota cp need 4 need swordbearer as well
Need two people for nightfall message me on xbox live not on here GT: CYS AstroBoy x
Need 4 for vog on hard message my gt above for an invite
Need 4 for hard crota message me for invite
Croatia Fresh normal need 5 gt above
Need people for nightfall I'm a 29 but I have exp gt is same send message for invite
Vog fresh on hard msg for inv gt same as above
Lvl 32 max gally.looking for hard crota any cp Very experienced. Msg gt: rudoku18
LFR VOG HARD atheon cp, 32 titan w/ghorn, gt same, send invite, not hosting.
Looking for 5 more to do Croat hard fresh start message for invite Get is same as above
Hard vault need 2 more
Need three for Gorgons hard gt the same message for invite
Need 1 for VoG hard gamertag is Chest O3zen
Vog on hard fresh run. Need 4 people 30+
Hard mode oracles cp need 1 more message gt: Cnok26