I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need 4 for fresh normal vog 27+ Msg meowadventures
Defender titan Lv 32 Want to do crota cp on hard Requesting an INVITE GT Tonylee3
HARD VOG FRESH LV31+message Morsecode123 for invite
Crotas end Easy Crota checkpoint Gt ak47freak95 Need 1 Lvl 30+
Crotas end Easy Crota checkpoint Gt ak47freak95 Need 1 Lvl 30+ Need sword bearer
32 lock vog hard conflux cp... looking for pro team 32 AND EXPERIENCED PLAYERS ONLY GT ^^
Hard crota need 1 who knows what to do level 31+ message for invite
Doing hard crota need 2 last cp msg GT same as above
Crota normal Fresh gt same as username
Need 5 for hard crota 32
Crota norm fresh
Vog hard Templar cp. ghorn needed GT same as above
Need a swordbearer for hard crota cp. Message XOKENN
Hard crota cp need sword bearer lvl 31+ gt same as name
360 lfg VoG fresh hm gt same as above.
Normal deathsinger cp, msg WebbedCrowd3 for invite I'm a lvl 32 hunter and can be SB
Ps4 vog hard, add me Wolf_Legend14[/quote]
Fresh crota hard need 5
Need four for crota hard cp on crota msg ploptart75 for inv
CROTA HARD CP 31+ but 32 priority also need a good swordbearer Looking to get this done really quick Message GT above for invite
Vog normal Atheon cp Must be level 28+ Have good guns Know what you're doing Msg for invite
5 place pour botter le cul de Cropta hard Lvl 32 svp avec expérience GT same
need 4 for deathsinger then crota on hard. have a ghorn and know what your doing (lvl 32 is preferred) message for an invite.
Edited by GreenTNeon: 4/18/2015 5:19:36 PMLooking to do crota cp on hard or normal. With my lvl 31 warlock I got maxed hoc. GT aboce
Crota normal CP. message for invite. Need swordbearer.
lvl 32 warloc wanting to do teplar have gally inv