I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Xbox 360 Crota hard Death Singer cp. 32+ need 5 more (Titan and sword handler) EXPERIENCED No kinder guardians.. GT-Faded Fantazy Message for invite. Going to grab gorgon chest after as well. (Gorgon Cp on my warlock)
Doing Hard Vog. Msg Th3XELIT3 for invite. Must PLS be experienced
I'm a level 31 warlock looking for fresh hard Crotas end. I have max gally and hoc gt same as above
Xbox 360 Fresh normal crota Lvl 32 swordbearer Need 4 more players Lvl 31+ Gt same as above Must have mic
Anyone need help? 32 Hunter and Titan with gjallarhorn
Need 4 people (swordbearer as well) 31+ for crota end end cp need to have experince and good at the game msg me on 360 gt same as above
32 hosting vog normal fresh... 31+ AND EXPERIENCED PLAYERS ONLY GT^^
Need 2 for Crota CP on hard. Need a no hassle run, so be good. GT Spaceball30 for invite.
Need a lvl 32 sword bearer crota hard crota cp msg on live gt: NBK Killzz
crota hard cp level 32 only please don't have to have ghorn but please have good rocket/tracking have mic/know what you're doing need swordbearer [b]gamertag is kwidden msg for inv[/b]
Need 4 for fresh run of crota normal 31+,need to no what your doing and swordbearer aswell,xbox 360 gt same as above
crota normal bridge cp msg shade vg for inv
3 32s aethon cp hard need 3
Xbox 360 friend me at KING ZORKO I will not accept amid immediately
Fresh Crota Hard. Must be 31+ and have ghorn or hunger. Need Sword Bearer. Im using hunter 31 with ghorn max. Must have beaten crota more then once on hard. Gt same above
Need 3 more for atheon hard CP. GT same as above. Message for invite.
Need 2 for hard crota cp lvl 32 only
Hard crota need 3 gt:TocoBro
Need 4 people for crota end last cp need to be 31+ and need to be good and swordbearer needed xbox 360 msg me gt same as above
hard VOG oracles cp... GT ^^
Crota hard fresh 5 needed lvl 31+ No noobs allowed Must have experience Msg for inv
Need 4 more for hard VOG Fresh
Need 5 for normal crota fresh
hard crota cp need 2 32s with HOC or gally have swrd bearer gt enter delerium
Hosting VOG HARD MODE MUST HAVE MIC, must be experienced,msg me on 360 for invite
Looking to join a Normal Crota session from [b][i][u]ANY[/u][/i][/b] checkpoint. Message lewisagnew666 if you need a player.