I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Two 32s looking for 4 more to start Crota raid fresh start on Hard. 32s only. GT same as above. Message if you want in.
One spot for crota co hard message GT above
Lv 32 defender Titan looking for crota hard fresh run. Send keyblademastr22 an invite and I'll join your fireteam
Vog hard oracles msg Never2cold for invite
Bridge cp normal 30+ message for invite.
VOG atheon checkpoint 28+ gt: unstoppable5657
Need a 32 hunter swordbearer for deathsingers cp hard gt same
Lvl 32 hunter looking for some one experienced with a crota save on normal to teach me how to sword bearer
Need 2 (including swordbearer) for deathsingers cp hard must have tracking rockets gt same
32 hunter here looking to run sword for anyone that needs it weather it be hard or normal. Send me an invite same gt as above
31 warlock with maxed out gjallarhorn and blackhammer looking to join a experience team to do [b][u]fresh crotas raid on hard mode[/u][/b] send me a invite. Gt: just blaze 170
Someone inv my gt above to a fresh crota's end on hard plz im level 32 with gjallarhorn
VoG hard run from gatekeeper Need 3 more message for inv
Hard Vog Fresh GT^^ need 4
Someone inv my gt above to a fresh crota's end on hard plz im level 32 with gjallarhorn
Lvl 31 warlock and 32 titan with max gally looking for anyone with a normal crota cp Gt: Dookee Shaman
Crota RAID hard on bridge need 3. Msg me for invite Bandgonetwisted#BEADS
Lfg normal crota level 32 max ghorn can run sword
Lvl 31 defender Titan looking for a team to do VoG hard mode. GT is same.
Normal crota cp, need 3 31+, and 1 32 swordbearer. Xbox360 msg for inv, gt same as above
Need 5 for hard crota Gt-kingjal21
Crota normal or hard at Crota CP 31 warlock GT: Conspiratorist
32 of each looking for hard Crota raid, have max ghorn and can swordbear
Need people for Crota normal Crota cp
32 hunter here looking to run sword for anyone that needs it weather it be hard or normal. Send me an invite same gt as above