I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Looking for fresh run on Crotas normal. Lvl 29 hunter. Msg me on XBL.
Need ppl for hard deathsinger and then crota. Come with some kick a*s sh*t. Message me at deathvoids029 for an invite
Hard crota crota cp must be 32 and have good guns we already have swordbearer but if you're good with sword you can be it
Normal ATHEON cp!!!! 29+!!! Please be experienced with relic!! GT above
32 hunter with max gali and can do sword, looking to do Crota cp on hard
Hard Atheon cp. Need 4 more players. GT same as above. 30+ only.
Anyone have the gorgon maze cp? Gt same as above
LF 1-2 more people for hard VOG GT: xtreme55785
Crota hard cp need soward 32+ tracking rockets gt same as above 5 spots
Looking for 3 people for hm gatekeeper cp. Must have mic. Message Hathos96 for invite
Need people for last minute nightfall, I'm a 29 but I have exp gt is same send message for inv.
There is no more room left maybe if u want we can do vog on normal I am on atheon cp
Looking for people for vog hard fresh already have four counting me
Looking to join a hard vault team, I'm a 32. Message for invite
Have hard atheon co msg me for inv gt same
Atheon cp on norm ! Need 4 more :D! 30+
[b]Need 4 more 30+ Atheon checkpoint Normal Msg Auraslasher[/b]
Need 2 people for normal Athlon fresh msg Fluffywhelp502 pls have a mic (Xbox 360)
Hosting normal VoG Atheon CP. message for invite.
Nightfall 30+
need 1 for vog hard fresh message my gt for invite.
Hard VoG templar cp. Need 2 more players. GT same as above. 30+ only.
x1337x Clan RECRUITING - Xbox 360 All levels welcome, 18+ preferred. We will be active with Raids, Nightfall, Strikes, Bounties, and some crucible. Anyone that wants to join a helpful clan and doesn't mind helping others, please feel free to post here,send me a message directly, or follow the link below. Thank you and hope to see you join! https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/About/864360
Looking to speed run normal Crota a few times to boost completions need a few people as team I'm a 32 Titan/Warlock/Hunter Maxed gjallarhorn and can swordbear as hunter and Titan
Need 3 people for hard Athion check point Message at: reiben01
Need 5 for crota hard cp (boss) only 32 msg for inv gt talmaxs