I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need 4 level 32s and a swordbearer on crota cp hard message PickinSquidgyz for invite
Need 4 more for Crota hard cp I already have swordbearer
Looking for 5 more people to do atheism hard mode message me if you want in Get is same as above
Level 31 Hunter with Crota's end check point on hard. Meg me on xbox for invite. GT-ThicksetSiren70
26 warlock looking for 5 more fresh run VOG normal message me
Need a team to do crota normal I am a level 30 hunter GT Tummo
Need 4 for Crota hard fresh run. Must be level 31+ and experienced with Ghorn or hunger of Crota. Message on Xbox, GT: Ontrix
Looking for Crota check point on hard.Max hunger. Max hammer. Lvl 32 titan.
Looking to do Templar cp. NEED CP Lv 32 warlock with ghorn Invite gt Tonylee3
I have crota cp on normal send me a msg for invite
Hosting hard gatekeeper checkpoint Need 5 GT: Gifted Gary
VOG hard templar cp need 1 more message xX I HuNtZ u Xx for an invite
Crota hard cp need 2 we have sword bearer multiple max ghorns message weird thots
Hard mode conflux checkpoint need 4 people with experience
Crota normal fresh run, experienced 31s or higher, message gt above
Hosting hard gatekeeper checkpoint Need 5 GT: Gifted Gary
Fresh VOG need 3 gt above
Fresh vog hard mode Message for invite 31+with experience
Crota hard cp msg for inv please be 32 preferably with gally or hoc
Helping on vog hard mode inv on 360
Fresh run crota normal, need full group, msg me on xbox for inv, or inv me, GT same as above
Look for a raid group for VOG normal 4 openings left message back for invite
Fresh VOG raid need 5 people normal mode xbox 360, GT is above
Looking to run Crota hard fresh with my titan, or deathsinger checkpoint with my warlock. All 3 of my gaurdians are level 32, have fully upgraded gally and all raid weapons, invite me GT same
Need one for crota hard cp prefer 32 message invohk
Need 4 for lantern cp normal, gt same