I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
32 Titan maxed hunger want to do Crota hard.gt same
Level 32 need VOG Atheon on hard please invite me! GT: same as above!!
Need 5 for crota normal fresh
Level maxed defender Titan. Maxed gjally. Helping all groups. MSG me ClassicalSnipez. Would rather help on VOG normal.
Looking to join any VoG hard or normal lvl 31 hunter gamertage: TheHolyBible15
Lv 32 hunter(also have 32 warlock) looking for hard Atheon cp.
Doing vog on normal fresh Pls be level 28+ Know what your doing Msg for invite
Bored asf!!!! Running sword on normal fresh crota need 5 inv me or I'll inv you must have good rockets Plz. Gt same as above
Looking for VOG Hard, any point before gorgon maze
31 hunter looking for crota cp normal Gt same as name Send inv plz
I have three characters I would like to run the nightfall with, all are 30+. If anyone just wants to run one, that's is fine. Message GT above for invite. Thanks
Need 3 for Crota hard cp 32 only must have hunger of Crota or ghorn needed gamertag same as above
Vog hard fresh, 2 spots
Need two for hard crota cp
Edited by Smashton: 4/10/2015 1:09:07 AMAnyone have Gorgon's later checkpoint ?! I would really appreciate it! Gt above
Need 3 for crota hard cp need 1 titan at least 32's only. Max hoc or gjally. Need 1 swordbearer
VOG normal fresh 4 spots
I'm hosting a vog hard then normal fresh if anyone wants to join just send an invite and good relic holders as well for atheon
Need 4 for normal deathsinger 30+ Gt: I LEGAND I ML
Fresh crota normal message for invite
VoG normal or hard need 5 people message me for invite GT same as above
deathsinger hard cp looking for 32 only i have max gally msg s44k3r4life for inv
Vog hard atheon checkpoint gt: rocko1353
Doing hard vog from gatekeeper cp Need 3 people lv31+ Must need to know what your doing Message olCookie for invt
Level 26 looking for atheon checkpoint any difficulty
Need 5 for vog hard fresh 30+ gt same as above