I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Massage me.
Need 2 death singer cp hard. Need swordbearer. Message me on live for invite. Murdoc1785
Edited by PrncessOfBankai: 4/9/2015 7:14:41 PMRunning VOG on normal, need a few people. I dont really care what lvl. But you must know what youre doing. And we may run it on hard after. Msg PrncessOfBankai for an inv
Crota normal fresh start gt: rocko1353 need a sword barrier
Fresh VOG Lv26+ ask for invite GT same mic neded
I need to do hard Crota cp. If you have it inv me and I'm 32
Doing vog on normal fresh Pls be level 28+ Know what your doing Msg for invite
Need 4 people for Vog Hard Atheon Cp 31+,xbox 360, need to no what ur doing msg me same gt as above
Lvl 32 Titan with maxed out raid weapons & Gjallarhorn looking to do any raid on normal or hard Very experienced with both raids Gt is EmP Power Trip
32 Titan starting Fresh Crota raid on Hard. Preferably 32s only. GT same as above. Message of you want in.
Looking for EITHER Fresh hard crotas end Or Crota cp on hard Lvl 32 warlock can swordbear if needed message me gt above
Need help Crota normal. Fresh run 360. Gt is the same
Lvl 32 Titan with maxed out raid weapons & Gjallarhorn looking to do any raid on normal or hard Very experienced with both raids Gt is EmP Power Trip
Edited by jsizzle forizzl: 4/9/2015 7:20:02 PMNeed 4 32s for crota hard cp. A great swordbearer would be awesome. Message for invite
Need 5 fresh vog hard. 31+ and experienced. Same GT.
Crota hard. Message for inv
I have crota cp on hard. Level 32 warlock. Gt same
Need 3 more people for gatekeeper cp hard message same gt for invite
Xbox 360 Warlock level 31 Have mic Gamertag: jetsetjen Looking to join vog hard
Need 2 gatekeeper hard cp.
Hard Gorgon cp going to gatekeeper
Lvl 32 Hunter looking to do VOG hard FRESH. Need 5 people 30+ ONLY. GT DankAutumn06693
lvl 32 sword for normal or hard crota xbox 360 inv me gt same
hosting Vog hard fresh must be +30 msg 4 invite
Hello, I'm a lvl 32 Warlock looking to put together a team to complete the Flawless Raider Achievement. If you are an Experienced raider, Mature and have Patience (plus some decent weapons and appropriate raiding lvl :P) I would welcome you on the team. It'll be Atheon Normal. If you're interested send me your details on Xbox360, my gt is Black Dogs92