I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need two more for crota hard, we have a sword bearer and experienced players 31+ Message IntrepidxLegend-xbox360
Need 4 people for normal VoG Gt is above and this is for shits and giggles :D
Vog normal gt same as above fresh start
Vog hard 30+ up to gatekeeper's checkpoint Message JJDoesGaming for invite Need 5 people who know what they are doing!!!
Have two for fresh hard Crota message same gt for inv
fresh VoG on hard - message GT: Ehl Deezy for invite
Looking for one hard Crota cp message autisticzombie7 for inv
Have two for fresh hard Crota message same gt for inv
Lvl 32 I am a experienced player l am looking to join or start a fresh Crota on hard same gt as above pls message for inv or send me a one
Xbox 360 Warlock level 31 Have mic Gamertag: jetsetjen Looking to join vog hard
3 ppl looking to do crota on hard. Fresh. Msg me for invite. Gamertag same as above. Happy raiding to all
Hosting crotas end hard fresh start. Message gt; exusemykarisma to join
Crota cp need 2. 31+. One sword bearer. Gt BlueAngryTuna
Hosting crotas end hard fresh start. Message gt; exusemykarisma to join
Need swordbearer for crota hard. Starting at deathsinger. Have 5 already. Msg ShadeItPlease for inv
Normal gatekeeper need 4. Gt same msg me if you want an inv
Need hard mode forgone check point inv me my get is TocoBro
Need swoard bearer, crota c.p. hard. Add spacecadet-3000.
Need 4 for fresh VoG on normal. Message GT same as above. Please be: 28+ Experienced
32 swordbearer Runnin Crota cp's for anyone (either difficulty) GT Same as above If I don't respond Im with a fireteam already****
LFR crota hard, have cp, 32 hunter w/ghorn, gt same, send me an invite, not hosting.
2 31 hunters looking to do hard crota fresh start gt: Gpopmcgooster
I have Templar on normal msg for inv same gt
Fresh Crota Normal - Message GT: Ehl Deezy For Invite
Need 1 for crota cp on normal gt same