I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need 1 for crota cp on normal gt same
Need 5 to carry me through crota normal message on 360 for invite 31+ pls
Would like two people to help power level my alt lvl 6 Titan. MSG me for INV on Xbox 360. GT: fleberto I can hear you but can't talk.
Looking to do fresh VoG normal Message me on Xbox 360 GT same as above
Doing fresh normal vog plz can people who join have mic message for invite
Would like 3 for a hard crota checkpoint on Xbox 360. Be lvl 32 and have heavy ammo. I am a decent swordbearer. MSG me for an invite. GT: fleberto I have a mic, so I can hear you, but my roommate really needs sleep so I'm not gonna talk. Please have a mic though.
32 sword bearer looking to run hard crota. Send me a invite.
Normal Crota CP Need 2 31+ with experience. Gally would be nice Gt same as above. Message for invite.
Hallo again my friends now last week me and five other guardians had defeated that smug prick ass Atheon on normal and then they all disappeared and now I need five of you beautiful bastards to help me beat Atheon on hard you must know what you are doing and must be 29 or over otherwise you are worthless to me so please message spez14 for an invite Thank you once again guardians.
Need 2 for fresh Crota Hard. Must be 32 with good weapons and a good rocket launcher (preferably Gjallarhorn). Message Auto Spiritt for an invite.
Need 3 players for VOG normal on Xbox one. Need to be at least level 26 an have a mic Message: SheWantssTheDLC
[u][b]Raid[/b][/u]: Crota's End [b][u]Difficulty[/u][/b]: Hard [b][u]Checkpoint[/u][/b]: Death singer [u][b]Looking 4[/b][/u]: level 32's only (3spots left) [i][u][b]My stuff [/b][/u][/i] Level: 32 Class: Titan Gt: Vinsia Message for invite ( On Xbox ) No one will be invited off of the replies Must have a mic
Xbox 360 Hunter level 29 Gamertag: jetsetjen Looking to join vog on normal
Level 31 Hunter need 4 for crota cp on hard message vibe ultra for an invite
Need 4 for Hard Atheon Checkpoint. Message Gamertag above for invite.
Need one more for VOG conflux
Need 4 people for fresh hard VOG ( or a team with 2 open spots) . GT same as above
looking for 4 poeple to do VOG normal msg UEG Bubscaboose for invite
Edited by Darky101: 4/8/2015 12:08:27 AMSomeone that can help me do vog normal no one joins me im lv 26 gt: william andy6
Need more people for hard Gatekeeper cp . GT same as above
Crota hard fresh NEED 2 - 32s only maxed gally of possible Message CHXRLES BXRKLEY for an invite
Lvl 32 Titan starting a fresh run on Crota normal Lvl 30+ to join Gt is the same Message me on the Xbox for a invite & max rockets
Need 5 for Atheon cp on hard Gt same as above
[b]Vault of Glass Gatekeeper Checkpoint[/b] [u]Hard, level 31+ and mics only[/u] Msg [b]Auraslasher[/b] [i][u][b]AND EXPERIENCED ONLY[/b][/u][/i]
Vog hard 30+ fresh message unknowncauses96 for invite
Edited by ThEwHiTeRiDeR10: 4/8/2015 12:08:41 AM32 Titan looking to do Crota hard Crota cp. I can be sword bearer. Gt above