[b][i][u]SENSEI NINJA!?[/u][/i][/b]
I applied for the position of cake and explosives specialist a month ago: do I get the job?
Thought I added you to the list... Sometimes the Op doesn't update when I edit it... Just let me know if stuff like that happens again,
Thanks Ninja.
You have to train before entry.
He's been around for a while.. There were some difficulties with the edit..
Did you just return?
Yes. I'm going to be here a whole lot more however. It's time I start taking back some responsibilities.
Well I'm assuming you read the rule I made. Because with the Remnants being here now I've been monitoring more.
I have. I am curious though, when did the remnants group come here?
Recently. I was gone when they did. I'd ask Cobalt, Keneki, or Felix about that. They may be waiting in group chat for you btw
Correction: Shihan Ninja, Shihan for short