What I want to see Bungie do is to make play lists similar to the ones that were in the Halo series. I don't care about how your new motto is that you want everyone to have fun and a fair chance at winning (which doesn't really make any seance because many others and myself included have experienced that one person can lose matches for you). So when you make that statement it kills many possibilities for game types and competitiveness. Just too make another reference to Halo... more specifically Halo Reach was one of the most enjoyable and long lasting multiplayers I've played and still play today occasionally. During the years of Halo Reach back in 2010 you were so engrossed and devoted to the Halo community always trying to make it more competitive, fun and refreshing. Why don't you do the same with Destiny? First thing you should do is take away 1.5% or the whole assault rifle nerf because the are all "nerf guns" right now (no pun intended). Second bring a custom games playlist. Third bring more playlists like capture the flag, sparrow racing, Big Team Battle, oddball, team snipers, classic crucible (classic slayer), Swat, GRIFBALL!.....and maybe just maybe some type of Forge
P.S. - also fix flux, magnetic, and fusion grenades to work more like plasma grenades from Halo where you would actually have to hit the person with it to sick them... or at least tone down the lock on.
There would be a choice for j don't after or your pole is just stupid. Plus most people don't play pvp. Not even 1/3rd