No, now if that link takes us to that dirty shit edit it now or I'll report you [spoiler]:)[/spoiler][spoiler]don't let that smile fool you[/spoiler][spoiler]im serious [/spoiler]
It's a link to youtube, so no.
Obviously, but you do know that can exist on youtube. . . either way I'm not clicking on it cause i dont know u [spoiler]ps[/spoiler][spoiler]i dont click on links without descriptions... never do, never will[/spoiler][spoiler]I'm also gonna believe you and not report ya k? [/spoiler][spoiler]^-^[/spoiler]
Awww.... But I spent time making that video yesterday...
I'll have someone i trust look at it first.
No problem. It's not going to be anything horrible, so don't worry.
You do understand why that's hard to believe. Given you provided the link while suggesting boku no pico
I understand quite clearly. As a friend made me watch the first one, and I made him watch it as well. I now have a choice of watching series 3 of Yugioh GX, or watching the second Boku no pico. A no brainier.
Oh gawd... im hoping u picked what i think you picked
Yep. Yugioh GX.
Lol k