I can only remember some of it (•-• )
I like AC4's soundtrack better tho.
Never heard it, I should check it out.
If you like game soundtracks... The Final Fantasy games and Kingdom Hearts have good ones too :)
I need to give the Final Fantasy series a try, and maybe Kingdom Hearts since I'm over my hatred of Disney. From what I've heard already, the Final Fantasy (at least FFXlll, FFXlll2, FFVll) soundtracks are good.
Yeah! The whole FF13 series has an amazing soundtrack, although the story isn't AS good as the other games. A lot of people hated it, and a lot of people loved it. Its a matter of opinion. :P FFVII is the best Final Fantasy in my opinion, and the soundtrack is good. FFVII Crisis Core has a good soundtrack too. Kingdom Hearts can be really childish at some points, and then really deep. The soundtrack is probably one of the things that makes the series so good though. I'd definitely consider it! (Crap I just rambled a lot, lol.)
I'll look at the soundtracks sometime when I'm in the mood for fantasy music. (Right now I'm taking the Dynasty Warriors OST and running) I've heard nothing but praise for FFVll but I'll reserve judgment until I play it.